Vietnam...first impressions

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Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi
November 12th 2006
Published: November 13th 2006
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hat ladyhat ladyhat lady

People will carry anything nd everything on their bikes, and try and sell it to you. All the women here wear these conical hats..
Claire, Belle, Ange Ali and I have arrived in Hanoi, Vietnam and its just totally mental. THere are people everywhere and the roads are just crazy. Motorbikes dominate the roads and there appear to be few road rules. going through an intersection involves beeping the horn and theres no slowing down. To overtake you beep at the car/bike/bicycle in front till they get out of the way. Crossing the road is even more fun. you just have to walk out and hope for the best. We are getting much better already though!

Stuff here is dirt cheap. People try to sell you stuff on the street all the time and we are only just starting to learn what we should be paying. 70c for a massive bunch of bananas is the best we can get so far. $9 for a 1 hour massage. A little weird, and included a tummy rub for ang and claire not understanding she was allowed to keep her bra on, and them not putting a towel on her for 10 mins! no $70 sports massage at uni thats for sure. a 1L bottle of Vietnamese vodka will set you back $2.30, and a local beer
20c beers20c beers20c beers

drinking beers in the street for 2000dong (about 20c)..
is 20c off the street. had the best mango chiken curry for around $3.90, and that was relatively expensive dinner. 70c to a dollar for gelati! still getting used to bartering for most things (anything without a price tag) but you normally can get stuff for a third of whats offered.

streets are named after what they sell. if its sunny go to hat street. if you lose your shoes go to shoe street. If someone dies go to gravestone sreet. no, really.

Tried to go to the water park today. after arriving we find out its closed for the year because its too cold. Its been stinking hot and humid ever since we got here but the people here think its freezing. wonder how they would cope with a melbourne winter!!

im not getting image conscious or anything but i feel so fat in this country. Everyone is a size 6 or below. try to but a t shirt and they just go no no size only (while shaking finger at you). Claire, Ang and i asked to go on a three person paddle boat on the lake but were told we were too big

Motorbikes everywhere!! to cross the road you just have to walk and hope they go around you!
and only 2 may go!! lucky... belle and ali managed a ride and their chain snapped, leaving them stuck in the middle of the lake!! Finally, claires massuse wobbled her flab around whislt laughing hysterically. whatever!

we start clinic tomorrow.. if its anything like the rest of hanoi it should be interesting!!!


14th November 2006

hey girls, glad to hear you are surviving. have an awesome time love jane
15th November 2006

well hello!!
Hey guys, glad to hear you made it safe and sound - i am getting sooooo jealous! Wish i had some 70c bananas and cheap vodka - the closest i'm getting is going to Thai Thai on victoria street. Keep sending updates as they are fun to read - let me know what clinic is like - now that you've been there for a couple of days. Take care!

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