so little time ...the panic sets in!

Published: November 9th 2006
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My personal perspective is that when a whole lot of things seem to suggest that traveling now is a good idea, I should go with it.

The idea is to start my travels-with-kids in a place familiar enough, where I have enough of a grasp of the language, to actually feel somewhat comfortable. Not a whole lotta risk, but the kids haven’t done much traveling beyond crossing a few provinces before.
Still, it’s a bit of a big bold step for just me and two munchkins.

So I am going back to Thailand, back to the orphanage in the south. I figure it’s a pretty good place for them to get used to the idea of different ways of living. It’s mostly safe and they will have a ton of playmates.

So the plan is to take off from Vancouver on the 27th of November at 1am. Last the 14 hours on a plane somehow and then spend a week in Taipei with my girlfriend w.
She and her boys Wayne and Nen live in a pretty place outside of Taipei city in the North.
I spent some time with them in August during my last brief sojourn overseas and she can’t wait to meet the kids. That “break” in travel is also very necessary for the kids. It’s a really long time on an airplane.

Miles especially will need the break, he gets very agitated when confined for any short period, so this will be a challenge.

So I have just over a week and a half of work left and then the layoff starts……ack! That is the hardest part of travel…leaving behind the relative safety of daily comforts (and a paycheck!) So as of the 17th I need to really get cracking on my packing and dealing with left-too-long things.

Aside from the packing aspect (a huge undertaking with two kids) I also have about six weeks of graduate school readings to catch up on. It’s a miracle my online professor hasn’t locked me out of the website yet….So my last week in Canada is going to be really full.


14th November 2006

wish i was going with you
i am just as excited about you going as if it was me. i can't wait to read about your adventures, send pictures if you can. safe jurney ( i can't spell so excuse all spelling mistakes) and do you need a nanny by the way ann

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