"You and the children are doing ...WHAT?!"

Published: November 9th 2006
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A new spirit calls....A new spirit calls....A new spirit calls....

This was the last picture I took on the beach in Ban Niang before I left Thailand in August...Thank you Nen for sleeping so soundly as the storm clouds gathered...
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Okay, so I had this bright idea to tell my father my "grand plan" before buying the tickets...consequently this is why i now have to deal with expired holds and scrambling to make up a suitable return date getting out of the country.
**Note to future travellers: Tell you family AFTER you have purchased tickets... I never learn.

Okay, back to the basics...father-man says: "You and the children are doing ... what?!"....ummm heh hehe...going away?...
"Do you owe me money?...just in case you know..."
Then of course, followed with real concern..."Take damn good care of those kids!".
Okay, so the hard part done. I have thought it through, re-thought it out and finally put the money where my mouth is...
It's exhausting taking so much time to decide things. But its done now. I am on my way to an adventure my children will never forget...Wish me luck.


29th November 2006

Good For you
I find this blog site so interesting and when I read yours I had to comment - you are doing something thousands of women wish they could do. Hope you don't mind but I will be following your journey. GOOD LUCK
20th December 2006

learn and have fun
live a wonderful life....you willteach your kids more in the next few months then thy will ever learn in any achool in th world..........

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