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Asia » Vietnam
August 31st 2004
Published: August 31st 2004
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Greetings to all avid Team 1 followers! We are now in Sapa, preparing for our main trek, a prospect that, obviously, fills each and every one of us with glee.
As previously explained, we are all now very used to being pointed, stared or even laughed at. It did however come as a slight shock when people actually woke up their friends on a recent overnight train to point out the big group of Western girls, and to have a good laugh! The fact that we were wearing our bergens and our day sacs (a stunning look, labelled the 'pregnant tortoise') probably didn't help matters! It came, therefore, as a pleasant change, when we boarded our train last night to make our way to Sapa. We had opted for 'hard sleepers', meaning that between the 18 of us, we had three cabins, each with two sets of a three tiered bunks, a lockable door, aircon and a relatively comfy mattress. Bliss! We were thus able to escape the night-long staring, and the strange male Vietnamese habits of coughing and spitting (not pleasant at any time, let alone 3 in the morning). It also enabled us to set up a gambling joint in one of the cabins, though even after a good hour's play, certain members of the group still didn't really grasp the game, mentioning no names (Charlotte)! Apart from one unpleasant episode which involved being rudely awoken by officials for passport numbers at midnight (don't think they quite cottoned on to the concept of 'sleepers'), the journey went smoothly and a fairly good night's sleep was had by all. 
Despite only having been here a number of hours, we have already been befriended by many girls from local hill tribes, who have shown us around and showered us with gifts of bracelets, and  many a compliment. I'm sitting here now with a girl called Chi, who regularly tells me of my beauty! So good for the ego! All the different villages have a different outfit, which they wear every day, so the town is very colourful. We are all looking forward to walking through some of their villages over the next few days and staying at a few of them along the way. This will probably be the last entry for a while (though we seem to keep saying that) but please keep adding comments! Take care. With Love from Alice and all of Team 1 xxx


2nd August 2004

Birthday girl - EMMA
Don't know when you will get this but we are all thinking of u on your bday. Hope u are havin a great time luv family I
4th August 2004

Not long now our little girlies.......
Not long now before us parents see your beautiful faces again - you see we tell you all the time but you never believe us and tell us that we are biased, no not us! Anyway I love your travelblog and would have done lots of comments but Sally prefers me to email to get all the gossip... Have a wonderful 8 yes EIGHT more days lots of love to all of you Sal\\\'s mum xxx ps Fuzzy Sal I have booked Lee.......
5th August 2004

Travel journal
Dear Team 1, Just to say how much we have enjoyed and appreciated all your wonderful journal entries. We never expected to hear so often and have really loved reading your informative and amusing entries. We're sure that you must have had some ups and downs along the way but you have kept the news very upbeat and spared us any problems.Can't wait to see you all again - even with your inflated egos - although sorry for you that your trip is coming to an end. After all the planning and anticipation it seems to have gone so quickly. Hope that the trek has gone ok and make the most of every minute of your r and r. Lots of love and good wishes to you all, Fiona and Neil.
5th August 2004

Someone's missing!
So here it is, another birthday. So the lovely family make their way from Sutton to Barnet to help me celebrate (I'll have just the one drink this year, one barrel should do me fine!) BUT somthing's missing, or should I say SOMEONE'S missing!!! Emily S I know you have a week left and you are enjoying yourself and having such an experience that I cannot properly imagine...I just want you to know I love what you are doing in V'nam, but would love it even more if you were here to help me celebrate :( Enjoy your final week, although I know there's many eagerly awaiting your return!! Love Nina xxx
6th August 2004

Dear Team 1 - It has been wonderful following all your moves in Vietnam while we were in London and have not stopped doing so here in beautiful Barbados. have not seen any update since the one on 31st July. It has been long. Can we have an update soon please. Awaiting your safe return to England as well, we will reach there just in time to receive you all. Rakesh Aruna and Arun
7th August 2004

Thanks Team 1
Just a note to thank you all for the brilliant journal entries. Even those of us who have been away ourselves have been unable to pass an internet cafe without popping in for the latest instalment! Not long now before we can enjoy the full blown edition supported by digital enhancement! Enjoy your much deserved R and R! Love Kate I
18th August 2004

Do you mean the 31st July as opposed to 31st August? :-) Tell Mei An I said hi Cheers Jamie

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