Bolivia to Peru

South America
May 13th 2007
Published: May 13th 2007
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We had arrived at La Paz, dirty, smelly bustling city, on an overnight bus from Potosi and while Tanya slept on the couch at the first hostel we came to which was full, Josh and I walked the streets at 5am trying to find one with a staff member awake enough to understand we were after a room for a few nights. 2 hours later we gave up and also fell asleep waiting for some more intelligent staff to... Read Full Entry

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14th May 2007

The Mac Family
Well guys, things just seem to be getting better and better for you, and the photos and blogs just keeps getting better and better. I thought that I should let you know that Nana Mac has been getting the blog as well. Uncle Ken is printing them out for her and also Aunty Jen has been printing the colour verson so that she can see the amazing photos that we all have been seeing. Well I hope that the rest trip keeps getting better for you guys and that we keep getting the updates. Love from us all here in the Mac household. Love Daneil

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