Ecuador 1 - Quito to Cotapoxi

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South America » Peru
July 4th 2011
Published: February 6th 2015
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Fresh AirFresh AirFresh Air

We went for a hike from Downtown Quito and ended up with this breathtaking view!
Quito is one of the largest of all of Latin America's colonial cities, and we could feel the pace of the big city as soon as we arrived - definitely had to be alert here! We arrived in Quito on an overnight bus from Mancora, where we'd spent the last few weeks. Of course, like most of the big city transport hubs, the bus station had a certain sketch feeling about it but in those situations we learned to wake up and get moving somewhere else. We'd found out about a nice hostel called 'Secret Garden' which we booked into, dropped our bags and ventured out after a bite to eat.

Pichincha was a beautiful hike that took us from the edge of the city center to some magical views all around Quito. Quito itself is one of the highest capital cities in the world, and the Pichincha will push you to over 4km above sea level. The hike was great, and by the time we got back to the hostel we were both ready to take a power nap before Greg & Emily arrived from the US.

Ecuador was a great meeting spot when Sarah's Brother and girlfriend (now wife!), Emily planned to link up with us on our trip. From a timing perspective it worked out, but was really great was that we all got to do so much together in a relatively short amount of time. We picked them up at the airport, caught up over a few drinks and explored Quito the next day. The old city was really nice to walk around, although Quito didn't make it into my top cities. There was a slight nervy feeling about the place, and we actually heard that a few travelers were mugged not long before. One girl got maced (!) and robbed. Then a few lads were walking around one evening when a group of teenagers surrounded them and and attempted to rob them. A local resident saw what was going on and ran out to chase the youths away. Unfortunately when she went back to her home, the guys kept on walking around the corner and got mugged for sure this time! (This stuff happens in loads of cities. Don't let this one story put you off going to Quito.)

From the hustle-bustle of big Quito to meandering the Old Colonial City. The snow-capped Mount Cotopaxi to the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest and everything in between. After planes, trains and horseback riding...I think Greg and Emily may have needed a holiday after their holiday!

Middle of The World & Otavalo Market

Visiting the Equator line was fun and interesting. As you can see from the photos, we all had a great time and I'd recommend this 'touristy' trek to anyone. We just got a taxi from the hostel and spent a few hours exploring and snapping photos. Later that day we headed to the Otavala Market to check out the artisan crafts, which actually picked up synergy and eventually became On the way back to Quito, we also stopped by a bird sanctuary and saw everything from Owls to Eagles which especially pleased our visiting birdwatchers!


We all loved our time at Cotopaxi. Secret Garden hostel pointed us in the direction of their eco-lodge, located a few miles from the base of the mountain where we stayed for the three days. We enjoyed the beautiful views and clean air, hiking and hot-tub , horseback-riding, playing cards, sharing laughs, and climbing to 4800 meters!

Additional photos below
Photos: 27, Displayed: 24


Welcome PartyWelcome Party
Welcome Party

Greg & Emily arrive in Quito

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