visiting your past

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South America » Peru » Lima
March 6th 2005
Published: March 6th 2005
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going below the equator makes one feel like time has roleld back... the southern cross, a familiar yet distant memory stands out, as do the vistas, aromas and langauge

technology has permeated the rich cultural structure of the decendants of the incas - internet by the sol, high speed, thousands of computers, thousands of people typing their anxieties, fears and hopes into the vastness of cyberspace...

miraflores, the beach community, tourism center, controlled by the police as to not allow the euros´s and yen and dollars to flee the poor yet proud country

politically, ¨Tony¨my new friend and shoe shine specialist, informs me that at least fujimori was a theif, made no pretenses, but shared the spoils with the people. the curent president, a ´cholo´from the department of ancash, made promises to help the other indigineous people, and, much like the balance of other latin american presidents, shared the wealth with friends and family - different decade, same decadance...

the voyage seems to take me from lima, down the coast to ica, and onto the nazca lines. My faithful companion of the first day, Tony, wants to go with me - i think i will pay the $30 soles nuevos (USD$10) and let him see a bit of his country, while providing me protection....

eating ceviche (raw, fresh, marinated fish) at the local restaurant which tony frequents has not been cause for alert, at least not five hours later - perhaps montezuma can not cause havoc this far south.

going from ica to nazca, further down the coast to arequipa, tacna, into chile to arica, over to el salado (salt flats) in bolivia, la paz, cochababmba and over lake titicaca seems to be the course of the day.

my trip on the inca trail of 4 days and 3 nights has been booked and paid for - starting the 5th of april, if my tourist guide ÄXEL has not absconded with the USD$300, i should have a spot on the hike from cusco to machu picchu

for now, the world is well, my cameras are working, batteries charged, walking with GOD...


p.s. consider i can call from lima to tulsa for less than USD$.15 per minute over the internet and tell me which culture is more advanced...



5th March 2005

I am Jealous!!!
Juan, in reading your notes I can place myself, see what you see and smell what you smell. I can;t think of a more interesting trip than this. Check and see if El Flaco is still in la bodega de la esquina and eat a beso the moza for me. - sylvia

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