Machu Picchu

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August 16th 2010
Published: August 18th 2010
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Its been an absolute massive few days on the Inca Trail.... so we have decided to split it, and each write our own opinions on such an amazing experience...


We had an early wake up call, had some breakfast and got the bus to the beginning of kilometer 82. We got our little snack packs for the trek, which we received each day, slapped on some sunscreen, payed 1 soles to use the loo, got hassled by the locals to buy some bandanas. We started the trek with a great uphill hike, out of breath I wasnt quite sure what i was in for! It was stinking hot, the sun was burning, and the dust was thick in our eyes and nose. We treked 2 hours before we stopped at an Archioligical ruins for lunch at this little farm spot that had chickens, huge pigs. The porters have set up a tent with a dinning table, knives and folks, servettes, wash basins for us to have a clean refresh ourselves before we ate. Our porters also gave us wake up calls each morning with a bunoes dias (good morning), and a cup of coca tea. What a great way to wake up, considering it was always before 6am! We had delicious lunches for all 3 days, 3 course meals for lunch and dinner. After lunch we had another 2 hours of treking, it was undulating but because of the heat it made it a little harder. When we arrived at the first pass, our camping spot, our tents were set up, hot water wash basins with soap for us to clean again, what a great way to finish the days. It was a nice feeling to finally have made it through the first day, the scenery was unbelieveable you never ever get sick of the view you see when you get to look up from staring at your feet!

Day two and it was talked up to be the hardest day of the trek. I was a little optimistic, athough i shouldnt have been. Grueling, steep mountains, no rest or break from the steep incline, legs were burining, body was sweating, my mind was racing not sure what i was thinking half the time, mostly negative thoughts hahaha but i was super determined to get to the peak, which was 4213m above sea level. I knew the hills were doing wonders for myt butt and legs, that is definatley what kept me going 😊 After we reached the peak there was a steep decline, the porters were amazing, carrying such heavy amounts of weight on their backs, i had none, so i knew it wasnt impossible. As they ran down hill, i walked with caution, the pictures we took definately didnt do this trek justice, as the people who have already treked would understand. Made it to the end of day two, sore legs and very tired, but now i had done the 'hardest' part it was all 'uphill' from here.

Day three was great to get through pass 2 and 3, I felt much better in all areas, I must be used to climbing mountains now! It was the longest day today, 8 hours, up for 4 hours and downhill the rest. It is amazing how your body is screaming at you to take a break but the mountains are just not that kind to you and you have to get through it. We arrived at our last camping site, was packed full of people, two of the treks, the inca trail which we did and the alternative trek, lares joined in one spot. I didnt enjoy this night as much as the others two. It wasnt as personal with your little group, the toilets were foul! Over 200 people using the loos it was disgusting. There is nothing worse than going to the toilet that is a hole in the ground, the flush doesn’t work and the toilet paper is stuffed in the corner of cubicle because it is not allowed to be flushed!! So instead of putting myself through this pain the only other option was behind the tent, there was only a small amount of room, but it did the job, and I only had to put up with it for a few hours.
We got to say goodbye to the porters and the chief after dinner, which was a nice way to thank them for all the things they did for us over the past 3 days, a few hugs, kisses and hand shakes later and of course a tip and it was time for bed.

Before the trip started the guides had told us about a 24 hour challenge, which of course happened on the last day, once you woke on day 4 you had to stay awake for the full 24 hours. Our wake up call was at 330am, got dressed, had our last breakfast and headed for the restaurant to wait until 645 to start doing the last part of the trek, our guide told us it would be safer at this time and the majority of the people had already left by this stage so it was nice and quiet.

We finally arrived at Machu Picchu and it was truly worth all the sweat and tears, it was truly an amazing place and it is still hard to believe how hard the Incas would have worked in order to build such a place. We got our tour around Machu Picchu, had a loo stop behind ‘our rock’, our creative and clever friends from our tour found it, because the ‘real’ toilets cost 1 sole, and we are tight asses! We said goodbye to our tour leaders, Palo and ‘Bob’ and got a bus into the town center before getting the Peru Rail back to Cusco.

We finally, after 4 days got to have a shower, although there was no hot water, yet again, it was nice to feel clean again, get some new and nice smelling clothes on and have clean hair! It was time to head out for tea, have a celebratory drink, and that we did. Leo our leader took us to a little bar in the heart of Cusco and we were able to let our hair down, relax and enjoy each others company. The bar was teaching salsa dancing which was an interesting touch to the night, it was fun dancing and Sam managed to even loosen up his hips and have a bit of a dance, much to everyone’s surprise. We got home at 130am, not quite the 24hours I was aiming for but a pretty good effort I thought.

This part of the trip was definitely a highlight, with many ups and downs, with a few laughs added as well, and is something that will be remembed for many years to come.


Where to start? My whole Inca Trail experience was amazing. It was definitely the journey of the trek not just the destination of Machu Picchu that made the experience. We left Cusco early and embarked on a couple hour bus ride to our starting point. The first day’s walk was all about the sun and the heat. It started steep til lunch time then a nice ‘stroll’ after lunch. We were all shocked at how lunch was delivered with silver service!! We had all been told how to expect great food and that we defiantly wouldn’t lose weight doing the trek. For me it wasn’t just the food, which was fantastic, but the silver service! We had a fantastic camping spot the first night and all retired early to our tents. Which were put up by the porters before we ever arrived at camp, they would pack up, run ahead, set up and be ready for us to arrive. They were truly amazing men.

The second day for me was the highlight. The sheer fact we climbed over 1000 metres, to 4213 metres was my personal highlight of the whole trek. Summiting the pass, knowing how tough it was and still getting there without too much pain was a fantastic feeling. After the pass it was a downhill hike to lunch, that was absolutely brutal on the knees. Give me the uphill, huffing and puffing anyday over the pain of downhill, on uneven broken steps, if u can even call them steps. After lunch on the second day we had a nice little siesta as the rain set in for a couple of hours.

The third day was definitely the longest distance wise, but also the most scenic and probably most enjoyable. Walking down through the cloud forest, observing the changing landscapes the trail went through as we dropped down in altitude. Arriving at the trekkers lodge was defiantly an experience after the relative solitude of the previous camps.

Waking at 330am was not fun, especially after the previous three days, no showers, same clothes, same skins *avoided any nasty chaffing but boy did those skins stink!!! Hahaha

Gretchen and I made a point to enjoy our last two hour stroll to Machu Picchu, walking through the clouds, as a few light drops of rain fell, was an eerie sensation. Arriving at the sun gate with all the other trekkers peering out into a beautiful view of clouds!! Yep, no view of one of the wonders of the world, just cloud!! Every now and then as there was a break in the clouds you could sense the excitement and anticipation build through the crowd! We caught a brief little view of part of the ruins before descending for a better view below the clouds!! The view was still amazing, it truly is a lost city.

We wandered around the ruins, absorbing the atmosphere. It was weird to have so many tourists in one place, yet still feel awe struck.

We went into the town for lunch, train then bus back to Cusco. It was an absolute epic trip back from Machu Picchu, from Peruvian fashion parades on the train, to a sweaty stinky mini bus ride, characterized but some enthusiastic but horrendous singing on any classic song, that someone could remember at least one line of!!!

Cusco greeted us to a barely luke warm shower, a feed at a nice restaurant, before our guide Leo took us to a little upstairs club, that taught salsa before a dj took over and played some classic hits chased down with a few cheap whiskeys…

It was an absolute massive day, winding up with a Macca’s soft serve cone and bed at about 130am.

Although the day was exhaustive and long and arduous, especially after the previous three, and we were all still cranking on the dance floor past midnight, it was ultimately the type of day you travel for. It’s the reason you pack your bags, buy your ticket and depart home. To challenge yourself but to also have one hell of a good time that you will remember forever.

Additional photos below
Photos: 36, Displayed: 29


18th August 2010

you made it!
congratulations on reaching the both look fit and well.The photos and your blogs are fascinating and beautiful..You make our days exciting as we share your travels with you. Love Nan xxx
19th August 2010

W O W !!
I am absolutely loving your pics and blogs, how bloody amazing. I am sure you are making the most of every second, your trip is truly fantastic. Keep up the stories, they are so interesting. Have a blast. Love from your lovely Aunty Joanie xxxx
19th August 2010

Silver Service
Sam have got the silver out to polish but nah dont get your hopes up...oh and next time you block our septic tank we just leave so you reminded of the not so memorable parts of your trip..Love Mum and All..xxxx

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