The Nazcar, a flying fridge and Ica

South America » Peru » Callao » El Callao
February 14th 2010
Published: February 19th 2010
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Estes Bien? Good I hope! Well this weekend was funny, if not slightly intense. It looks like Machu Pichu is totally off the cards as its been washed away and so are the Chan Chan temples which are North. I might still be able to see them though. Anyway, we headed south to somewhere called Ica. It was nice to have a weekend off and get away from the project. It’s pretty intense a lot of the... Read Full Entry

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23rd February 2010

Adam, it's just amazing and am a little envious but in nice way... you really deserve it and is just fascinating looking at those lines..... what's the answer then, or perhaps it's good there isn't one....can only believe you lost diary and broke camera take after me, James and Laura then, love you lots xxx
25th February 2010

Hi Son
Great photos Adam, what an amazing place! When are you back home? Keep the pics and updates coming Cheers for now Dad
20th March 2010

Hey Adm, I really enjoyed reading your Peru post. It reminded me of my time there. My blog is looking for travel photos to post. If you have time, email us some at or check us out at Continued fun on your travels, Heather

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