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South America » Ecuador
June 14th 2008
Published: June 14th 2008
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Ok well I just wrote a really long entry but Nancy accidently turned off my computer with her foot so now you get the short version

We´re staying on a farm in Canduya, the family who lives there is really nice and gives us milk, cheese, corn, and platininos. They have chickens, cows, rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs, cats, and sheep and grow corn and wheat. We´ve been living pretty comfortably, although I definitely missed having a toilet with a seat and being able to shower. Our accomondations are a large cement room, with a table, some benches, 3 double beds, and then an open area at the end where we set up the tent so Mireya (Damaris´ daughter) can be put to bed early and have some darkness. Also we have a kitchen room outside sort of on the porch, which has a gas stove and dishes and stuff. Down the hill there´s an outhouse with a squat toilet and a water tap (although the mater is not good for drinking).

The children´s workshops have gone well, the teachers seem to like us and are giving us 1.5 hours each morning with all of the kids (usually 22-28 kids, grades 1-7). We´ve done dental hygeine, microbiology and sanitation, nutrition (the 4 food groups) and environmental health. The adult workshops haven´t gone as well, we only had about 10-15 people show up and most of them were only interested in learning English. We comprimised by adding a little bit of English to the end of each workshop so get people in the door. We haven´t found any volunteers to help us with the water filter, hopefully more people will come out on Monday and hopefully some of them will want to help with the water filter.

I´ll try to get in to write a longer entry tomorrow and add some pictures.

Miss you all



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