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January 27th 2007
Published: January 27th 2007
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I arrived into Guayaquil, EC yesterday. We took a bus from Guayaquil to Cuenca and another from Cuenca to Chordeleg and a taxi from Chordeleg to Principal, which was really a pick up truck and cost $2.
I was surprised that it cost 10¢ to use the public bathroom. I paid the woman and she handed me a wad of paper to take in with me. There were no toilet seats. After I washed my hands, I did not see a paper towel dispenser or an air dryer. I saw the other ladies drying their hands on a bath towel. I thought it was a little grose that everyone used the same towel, but I used it anyway.
On the bus, at various stops, vendors board the bus to sell their goods. Among the vendors they sold, soda, fried potato filled with chicken, handmade purses, wallets, and belts, gingseng pills, candy, fruit salad, and jewelry. I bought one of the potatoes and it was delicious.
Around 1 pm, we arrived in Principal. From Chordeleg to Principal, the roads are not paved. There are only dirt roads in Principal. We arrived at Jose's parents house. I gave his mom

street in Principal
a big hug. She made us lunch which was chicken soup with cilantro and scallions. Also, popcorn, a plate of rice with fish head. We drank Sprite.
After lunch, I was so tired. I met a few of the kids in the neighborhood and Elena, across the street who weaves straw all day on her front step. Then, I went to the house that Jose and I rent for $5 a month. It is made of cement blocks and has political graffitti on the outside. I took a nap until 8 pm.
My mom called so I talked to her then Jose and his mom went to church to see if Jose would dance in the dance show, but he will not. So, Jose's nephew, Miguel Angel "miggy", brought me some plums and pears from the trees here.

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Miggy and Kathy

Michelle and Lisbed

the view from my window

inside of our house

home sweet home

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