
Ecuador's flag
South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca
July 2nd 2007
Published: July 2nd 2007
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Well I was supposed to arrive to Ecuador on Saturday, but got here yesterday (Sunday)...
Having only a few Soles left (Peruvian Currency) I decided to eat cheap and go for something on the street (which I never do by the way) bad idea... Woke up in the middle of the night very sick and it continued for the entire Saturday, oh well, I guess thats almost expected to happen when you get here, lucky that was the first time. Still not feeling 100% now but much much better than Saturday.

So on Sunday after I was feeling quite a bit better than I had been the day before I decided I was fit for a bus ride. I was supposed to arrive in Machala (self proclaimed banana captial of the world, FYI) from Mancora, at 12, didnt arrive until 5:30, thats South America for you though. Anyways, I quickly hopped on another bus to Cuenca, which was supposed to take around 4 hours... only took 3 and a half hours, that just doesnt happen in South America, but Im glad it did. I got in at 9:30, very tired so I just crashed. So now Im up and ready to sieze the day, if my stomach permits me to. I cant really say too much about Ecuador yet, havent seen too much of it yet, so I will keep you all updated.


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