Crazy antics in Baños!

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South America » Ecuador » Centre » Baños
November 12th 2007
Published: November 12th 2007
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Arriving in Baños for what would be our 1st nights camping out we heard they may be a thunder storm heading in - immediately we dumped the tent and upgraded to a double room with private bathroom. An excellent choice i feel, as my stomach was rumbling again and something in the air (quite literally much to paulines dissapointment) told me i would be spending some quality time with my old friend Armatige Shanks again!

Not perturbed i booked myself up for a half day canyoning and a full day white water rafting.

Canyoning was brilliant. Basically you get kitted out in a wet suit and crash helmet and then you jump off waterfalls, absail down bigger waterfalls and swim down fast rapids - funnily enough pauline was not so keen so decided to go for a stroll in the surrounding hills.

Back from canyoning we went down to the devils throat which is a massive waterfall that was really nice. I forgot my camera so have no pics to show you unfortunately.

White wate rafting the next day was one of the best things i have done so far. The river was grade 4, 5 and 5+ which is basically the highest you can do commercially. It was exhilerating to say the least. Apparently the raft normally flips about 3 times and we didn´t flip it once! I did fall out once and Bren (a fellow dragoman travelling buddy) disappeared under the raft for what seemed like a good 10 mins - most amusing when he finally re-emerged and we knew he was alive! At some points the whole raft was sumberged under water as we plunged through some mean rapids, at other points my oar couldn´t even touch the water as the front of the raft was so high off the river! An amazing day and it seemed to cure my bout of the runs as well! Pauline did more walking, as you may have guessed the white water rafting wasn´t quite her thing!


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