Blogs from Valparaíso Region, Chile, South America - page 20


South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso March 12th 2012

For those you have been following my blog an apology. I have just arrived in Valparaiso, had a shower and read the last few entries and I've just noticed how poor my spelling is - sorry! For those who know me this will come as no surprise! In my defence I have written the last few blogs at the end of the day when I'm done in and I don't appear to have spell check. I am off for a beer (which probably doesn't help) and something to eat - more to follow later... read more

Yes. I am writing this blog as an ode to the micros. Haha! Trust me, it's worth it. I have never ridden anything like it and if you've only done public transportation in the U.S., I'm sure you haven't either. From the outside, they look like your average unsuspecting bus. Nothing fancy, nothing worthy of inspiring fear. That's until you get on... Let me just say that they WHIP IT!! They whip up the mountain, down the mountain, around curves, around each other and they do it at astounding speeds. Every day when I get on I feel like I'm on an actual rollercoaster! You get on and you hold on for dear life. It's quite exciting! I've never had my life flash before my eyes on a bus before. Haha! Where we favor straight lines ... read more
Inside a micro.
Micro at night in Valparaiso.

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso February 29th 2012

I met my host family on Sunday and they are great. On Sunday morning we packed our stuff to leave Hotel Rent-a-Home, chunked it on a truck, and hopped on a bus to tour some more of Santiago before making the two hour trip to Valparaiso-Viña del Mar where we'll be attending school and staying for the duration of the semester. The plan was for our parents to come pick us up from the University. It was so funny. When we pulled up to La Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, all the other ISA students and I were sweating bullets!! The ISA staff gave us all name tags with the names of our host families so when we entered they would know who we belonged to. There we were, doe-eyed, name tagged, arms full of bags, ... read more
Cassandra y yo.
My city!

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso February 15th 2012

After Santiago we reached our next destination, Valparaiso. The city was considered the richest in the world and is known as the jewel of the pacific. The town was filled with steep hills and it was an uphill trek to reach our hostel. Well worth it though because we were in a great location in the heart of graffiti steps. We spent our days taking another walking tour around the city, trying the local seafood and exploring the markets. Our time spent here hit home that we are in south america and was exactly how we imagined it to be! Describing the place does not do it justice so we thought we´d upload a few pics so you can see the charm of the city itself. Unfortunately our trip to vina del mar had the opposite ... read more
Cable lift

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Viña del Mar February 3rd 2012

We have been looking forward to our visit to Chile with great enthusiasm as it is our first time. I always think of this country as a “downunder” version of California. Terry Breen put a map of Chile against a U.S. west coast map, and at 2653 miles, Chile stretched from the tip of Baja to the Gulf of Alaska. Down here it is called the "shoestring country" because it is so long and narrow. This thin ribbon of a country is only about 110 miles wide. Chile is a land of extremes from the Andes Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, from Pablo Neruda to Augusto Pinochet and from the Mediterranean warmth in the north to the frigid glaciers of the south. Chile has the driest desert in the world and some of the wettest weather ... read more

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso January 7th 2012

5th January Santiago in 4 hours behind UK time and beautifully warm. We were bussed to the Hyatt in the newer part of town and I got stuck in my seat and had to be cut out of my seat belt with scissors! Huge room on the 12th floor but not much time to enjoy it with a compulsory city tour an hour after we arrived. Our guide was a big blonde who looked like a mafia’s moll and spoke more German that English. (There are a lot of Germans here) She walked us through the old town into the cathedral and then to a coffee bar with legs! It had skimpily clad waitresses and was a bit like a poor man’s bunny club but with bigger legs. Nothing exciting at first glimpse in Santiago. Chilean ... read more

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Viña del Mar January 7th 2012

Some thoughts on Chile: Santiago is a typical large capital city. Since it is summer, the visitors include many Chileans as well as international tourists. The people I met were friendly and patient with my lack of Spanish. Starbucks was a huge hit here, as Chile did not have anything like it. Among the beautiful 17th and 18thcentury buildings are modern high-rises. Earthquake damage from the 2010 quake is visible and slowly being repaired. The main highways are in excellent repair. They are privately owned and paid for by tolls. All main highways are toll roads. The downside to this privatization is that roads get built where they will be profitable and other areas may be under served. The resort of Vina del Mar is teaming with tourists, many from the Mendoza Province of Argentina. It ... read more

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Viña del Mar January 6th 2012

The cruising world is kind of small. At the Customs line I met Bobby & Donella who are part of our CruiseCritic group. While having dinner Wednesday evening, Jeff and Nanette strolled by and joined me. This is our third cruise together. While waiting for my tour yesterday morning at the hotel I met Charlie and Deb, another couple from CC and shared the tour with fellow cruisers John and Mary. We met our guide Willi and our driver Hermano and off to Valparaiso and Vina del Mar we went. The driver started off the day by informing us that the reason for all the terrible traffic in Santiago was because of 'WOMEN DRIVERS" and the day progressed from there. Every time we hit a traffic jam he would mutter women drivers. Besides being witty and ... read more

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso December 30th 2011

Olaaaa!!! Sao 8.50 da manha aqui em Valparaiso, dia 30 Dezembro. Hj a noite vamos embora em direccao ao sul, Villarica mas nao queria deixar de escrever umas breves palavras sobre esta cidade. Adoramos. Estamos novamente ao nivel do mar. Chegamos na quarta feira dia 28 depois das ditas 24h viagem onde passaram 3x seguida o mesmo filme,lol. A cidade e encostada ao oceano pacifico e com varias colinas. Na verdade, e parecida com Lisboa, tem digamos o mesmo caracter. E uma cidade com vida, alegre e com a particularidade de que tem paredes pintadas por todo o lado. no facebook pus uma foto de uma escada que esta toda pintada, memoravel. Da uma personalidade, um ambiente fantastico. Esta bom tempo, calor, os dias aqui no sul sao maiores, ate as 21h e de dia e ... read more
Hostel valparaiso
Vida nas paredes de Valparaiso
Mais uma...

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso December 14th 2011

Day 59 –Friday 9th December We had thought that the walk up the volcano yesterday was going to be a real hard tiring trek, and so we decided to have an extra day in Pucon to recover. Because it was at a slow pace it ended up being fairly easy, and we both had no aches or pains what so ever, but we had already bought our tickets for Saturday so was now stuck in Pucon for an extra day. Took advantage of the situation and had an extended lay in before going out for breakfast at the café we were at 2 days ago. Had a bit of a walk around town and decided that today was going to be the day I was to get my haircut. Over the last couple of weeks we ... read more
Templemann Street Valparaiso
Street in Valparaiso
Old Building in Valparaiso

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