Blogs from Araucanía, Chile, South America - page 29


South America » Chile » Araucanía » Villarrica Volcano November 20th 2006

Crossing the boarder from Bolivia into Chile was one of the most thorough and official border crossing experienced in South America. Driving into the Atacama desert, north of Chile, officials stripped searched all buses, cars, trucks etc. All passengers needed to off load their backpacks and unzip all pockets for thorough manual screening. Instead of being questioned for food or drugs it went more like "you have drugs..", "you have food si.." Immigration took about an hour and half, apparently there´s some sort of strike going on so a few people were just standing around looking pretty. San Pedro of the Atacama is the only town in the desert, a common route from the Salt Flats is to enter Chile via San Pedro. The town has a whopping population of 3000 with more backpackers roaming the ... read more
San Pedro de Atacama
All geared up for the Canopy!

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Villarrica Volcano November 19th 2006

It has been quite a week. Santiago was thoroughly enjoyable. There were a good bunch of people in my hostel and we had a couple of fun nights out. I also met up with old work buddy Ali Stewart and his girlfriend Sophie and had a nice meal with them, although we had to put up with the waiter cheekily mocking our attempts at pronouncing the items on the menu. In my remaining time up north I managed to fit in a cultural festival in Santiago´s Quinta Normal park, where there were some good bands on show and some shockers, as well as a day trip to the coastal towns of Valparaiso and Vina del Mar. On Tuesday I left the Chilean capital and took the night bus south to Pucon in the lake district. I ... read more
The crater
On volcano, Lake Villarica in backdrop
Smoking away

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón November 18th 2006

Me voilà de retour à Pucón pour escalader le volcan Villarrica. J´en avais été privé la semaine dernière en raison du mauvais temps... J´ai bien fait de revenir car c´est le grand beau temps ce samedi, aucun nuage à l´horizon. Après s´etre équipé à l´agence, on fait une pause au super marché pour acheter à manger et on part en voiture au parc national de Villarrica. On prend un télésiège (sans aucune protection) et on commence à grimper. Ce n´est pas si difficile que ca en fait, on marche en file indienne en faisant des pauses régulières. Il faut juste faire attention à ne pas glisser et dévaler mais rien de bien dangereux. Et puis on a tous notre pic à glace en cas de pépin! On voit tous les environs: lacs, montagnes et autres volcans! ... read more
Armé de mon pic à glace, pret à partir!
En route
Au-dessus des nuages

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Villarrica Volcano November 18th 2006

Amy left the beginning of the week to head back to the States so I am once again on my own. This past week has been super relaxing and the warm weather and sunshine have been a nice change. After rafting in Futalafu we came north to the small surf town of Pichilemu. The coast was beautiful and we were blessed with a small apartment where the owner spoke English and made us amazing meals almost every night. After a day or two of laying on the beach we decided that we would try our hand at a new sport and take surf lessons. So the next morning we suited up and were sent out to the beach with our instructor (who had never taught a lesson before but was the only one who spoke enough ... read more
Amy Surfing
Top of the Volcano
Hiking in the National Park

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón November 13th 2006

I met up with my tour group on the first day and we arrived in Pucon late in the afternoon... a small resort town which sits at the base of a massive active volcano. Not a major party town but me and jay (room mate for this leg of the tour) organised ourselves with some tinnies and started drinking early. Basically Chile is famous for it´s seafood and wine so we had plenty of both. The next day we climbed the usual i was a bit unprepared... as the average age of my tour group is around 30 i didn´t expect this to be some crazy hike. so we rock up at the base camp that morning and they start hooking us up with ice axes metal spikes for our boots etc. I thought it ... read more
Volcano Villicararra
Volcano and me
Volcano and jay

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón November 11th 2006

Ca y est, j´ai décidé de commencer un petit blog pour partager mes aventures chiliennes et montrer quelques photos de mes escapades! Après plus d´un mois à Santiago, j´ai enfin eu l´occasion de quitter la capitale pour aller dans le Sud pour mon boulot. J´en ai profité pour aller à Pucón, petite ville au bord du lac Villarrica très connue pour la variété de sports qu´elle propose. On peut y faire du cheval le matin, du rafting l´après-midi et se reposer dans des sources d´eau chaude le soir. C´est ce que j´ai fait le premier jour à peine débarqué de Santiago. Par contre dès qu´il pleut, il n´y a plus grand chose à faire... L´ascencion du volcan Villarrica sera pour une prochaine fois!... read more
Chute d´eau
Le volcan Villarrica
Le volcan

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Villarrica November 2nd 2006

Nick: Its going to be a long one!! We left Santiago at a reasonable hour, the bike now shod with a new rear. Our first days riding in 4 was a gentle re-introduction to 2-wheel travel with a mere 125 mile (200km) jaunt to Curicó, a small but, apparently, pleasant town. We arrived and soon found that virtually all accommodation was being used by migrant workers employed in the vineyards, so we saddled up again for another 40 miles (60km) to reach Talca: a town supposed to benefit from a big city attitude. We rode through and on our second attempt found lodging in a seemingly pleasant hostel, rode the bike down the drive to park it up and settled down to a restful night of snacks, cointreau and cable TV (Channel AXN is the BEST: ... read more
More tea, Vicar?
No animals were hurt during the production of this blog!
Our first camp fire

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón October 31st 2006

The Pucón area is blessed with stunning physical beauty, and we couldn't resist giving our bikes a rest to stay for awhile to explore. Besides, we'd booked ourselves a week of Spanish lessons. Pucón is a very touristy tourist town, and we're glad to be visiting outside the tourist season. There is lots of money traded here during the short summer, and now it is quiet. Villarica, although larger, is quieter, being 25km further away from most of the natural attractions. We did take the bikes out for a jaunt out of town one afternoon after a Spanish lesson, to follow the Trancura River and one of its tributaries, the Liucura, along a gravel (ripio) road that not only gave us lovely views of the two rivers roaring and tumbling with snow melt, but also vistas ... read more
On an afternoon ride out of Pucón
What a place for a puncture
An huaso shows off the skill of his horses

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón October 19th 2006

Hiya! The 37 hour journey was rough and uncomfortable, and we were subjected to hours and hours of 70's and 80's music which the Chilians seem to love but drew Maz CRAZY! Towards the end of the journey, I came out of the toilet and the TV screen said Dutch or English, then I looked at Maz and saw him pleading to take it off or put on a film but the 'waiter' werent having any of it! Poor Maz. We are now fluent in Dutch Rock History.... However, driving through Argentina to get back into Chile, the sites were amazing. There's all these little towns and villages that if we had time we would love to visit. We drove through valley's full of snow, saw beautiful lakes full of flamingoes etc etc. At Pucon, we ... read more
Giddy up

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón October 17th 2006

We wanted to see the Villarrica volcano near Pucon, Chile and maybe have a go at climbing it! Unfortunately there seemed to be no easy way to reach Pucon from Bariloche. We had to take a bus to San Martin de Los Andes (still in Argentina) and spend the night, catching a 6am bus the next day direct to Pucon. Arriving in Pucon we decided to get a lift with one of the hostal touts to check out his place. He promised to drive us back to the bus station if we didn´t like it so nothing to lose. Cabanas Tronkitos turned out to be a decent place and only 10 luca (around 10 uk pounds) per night - I think we got a discount because the place was so quiet. We had a private bathroom ... read more
Clouds Above Pucon Hillside
Sunset Over Lago Villarrica
Waterfall 1 at Ojos

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