
Published: November 21st 2007
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Spent a day in Salta where we took a ride up their gondola on a hill thats bout 1500m high. Cost about $2 from what i remember, and it was pritty good value coz you got a prime view of the city. There were a few touristy shops at the top of the hill and a few places to eat. We had a kai up there of what i thort would be hamburger and hot chips, it turned out to be hamburger and pack chips haha they must have heard us foreign folk like chips with ours burgers, pack chips hot chips same difference. Oh yea we also spent the entire morning trying to send a knife i got home, we eventually suceeded. I apparently won´t be able to get over the border to brazil so i sent it home, only cost nz $20 to send anyhow. We spent today travelling on the bus to chile, san pedro de Atacama. The trip was pritty awesome cuz we had to make our through the lower part of the Andes. there were heaps of different rocks and soils in the mountains, the sort of thing geotech engineers dream about. jeremy. The border
team guido team guido team guido

this talented couple were in front of us on the bus to san pedro
exit from agentina was interesting to cuz when we were standing in line waiting to be processed emily fainted. I wasn´t paying too much attention so lucky the bus driver caught her. They dragged her off to the first aid room and gave her some oxygen and she came right. She doesn´t know why she fainted, a lady on the bus said that some people are just sensitive so that must be the reason (Emilys decided it was the altitude, it was 4000m high). We arrived at San Pedro de Atacama this arvo. Its a pritty cool place, adobe buildings, dusty unpaved streets and heaps of gringos (whites like us). We´ll probably spend a couple of days here. it is a desert oasis and bloody hot.
Cher Cher

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san pedrosan pedro
san pedro


21st November 2007

Warning for Aaron
Haha! Emily fainted already?! Aaron - she may have neglected to tell you but she does that a lot. A lot a lot Just try to make sure she doesn't do it down (or up!) a flight of stairs. Keep having an awesome time!

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