Last post from Brazil

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August 12th 2008
Published: August 12th 2008
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Here it is, in all probability my last post from Brazil.
I suppose I should be summarizing the experience, but I'm not convinced that is going to happen.
I've been sitting around at the Maze Inn, in the heart of the Favella Tavares Bastos for the last few days soaking up the atmosphere and the events.
There have been many soap opera like elements, many funny stories, many fascinating events.
Among the most interesting has been the return yesterday of the film crew to the Favella. I sat around having a lovely time with Irene Jacob, talking about the stories behind Bob's paintings, my little adventures in Brazil, her movie life, her sweet little children.
I actually stirred myself to go down the hill into Catete, since Bob had said that the Director didn't really want too many spectators at the shoot. At lunchtime, I'm sitting around strumming the guitar when the whole crew descends. Irene suggests I take a plate of food, but I don't feel comfortable just helping myself, so she very kindly puts a plate together for me of their delicious fare. Her two boys are like Asterix and Tin Tin she says, and indeed they are quite a lively duo, when they arrive, charging around with action man figures and plastic Hercules swords. The youngest one, the most sprightly and ebullient of boys, has accidently head butted Irene the night before, so the make up chap is desperately and very effectively disguising the slightly bruised eye she is carrying today. I end up giving him my spare pen, since he seems to spend forever trying to hunt down pens. It's a distinctly chaotic scene, but soon it ends and the cast and crew retire back to a different part of the city to continue their shoot.
With peace returning, Bob and I continue our five day conversation about everything and nothing. Other people come and go, friends, neighbors, eventually countrymen. There are a number of people who live here as part of Bob's extended family: Wolfram and Lennart, the German brothers who are the heart of the jazz band that plays here, also web designers and architects, Capezao and friend who work on the building but also live here, and of course, the family itself, Bob, Malucy, Lucy and Eric.
The missing link was an English chap who quite clearly Bob and the family are especially fond of, and who had been away on business. He returns about 11:00pm and I am treated to a version of what is quite clearly their favorite argument: Margeret Thatcher: Saint or Sinner? Discuss. This we did, at times very loudly, until the early hours, interupted only by the occasional and arbitrary Olympic event.
Little Lucy is coming home from school early today: she has a horrible headache.
I know how she feels!
I really don't want to write any kind of summary. Maybe I'll wait till I get back and have a few days to ponder it all. In the meantime, I intend to just carry on living as if I am part of this family for two more days. Bob is treating me like an old friend, and I feel really at home here.
It's funny how that has happened over and over on this vacation. I've really enjoyed staying for lengthy stays everywhere and burrowing into the fabric of the lives the people lead.
I think I've made some real friends, to be honest, people I would really like to keep in contact with and return to visit in the future, hopefully!
That's a pretty effective summary right there, don't you think?
See you on the flypaper,


12th August 2008

Non summary
I think the non-summary is perfect. Your entire trip has been a nicely balanced and out of places and, as you said, in and out of the lives of the people you've met along the way. I've viewed the blog entries not as summaries of each segment, but as highlights - the stories that were foremost in your mind at that moment in time. It will be interesting for you to discover which stories stay as prominent as they are right now.....and which others will emerge from the depths of your memory later on, down the road. It's been a lovely read and we thank you for taking the time to share it all with us, so thoughtfully and eloquently. We've been 'with' you in spirit, all along the way and look forward to seeing you soon. Enjoy your last couple of days! xo, Suze and Gia
13th August 2008

Raining again
Nothing really worthwhile to write. I'm just enjoying all your pictures with other people in them since you lost your camera. Eric reinacted your security precautions of bug checking before bed time. Don't feel bad. We made fun of Karen loads longer than you. See you soon.
13th August 2008

Last Post
Hi, Well enjoy your remaining days. I have thoroughly enjoyed following along with you on this journey. Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear that you have made some more real friends and some that you would really like to keep in contact with and return to visit in the future. This also enhances the journey. Safe travels home. Lucille
13th August 2008

glad that it all worked out. I completely understand what you mean about longer stays in places. it is amazing how in random parts of the world you can still find so much in common with people who live a completely different life. I am in Thailand with kristin, christina, courtney, and mekala. What a foursom! I'll give you all the details on that one later. It has been fun though, have a great time at the wedding and wish your brothers well for me. thought of you often and glad you made it through skin still attached, even if your wallet is a bit lighter for it.
13th August 2008

Cheers mate. It's been fun. I really can see me coming back to Brazil. You know the Fantastic 4? . Who is Mr Fantastic, Invisible Girl, The Human Torch and The Thing in your little group I wonder? See you in Medford! You're gonna be buying... mike
13th August 2008

Thanks for being there throughout Lucille. Heard any good gossip about next year? What about your job? I guess we'll all find out soon enough! mike
13th August 2008

So is it true? 3rd grade? What about the others? Any other gossip? Anyway, I can't believe you would make fun of me when I was the one you secretly were plotting with to overthrow President Paci. Oops. Did I write that out loud? mike
13th August 2008

I don't know about perfect. More lazy than perfect, to be honest! See you soon! mike
13th August 2008

Greetings from the Brooks!
Dear Mike, Eric, Kristin, Christina, and 'fellow travelers'-- Following all of your trips has been fascinating and educational. I truly feel as if I've learned so much about the world that I would never uncover on my own. Not only are your individual exploits interesting, but your connections, both through meeting up and through discussions of shared experiences, add an incredible depth to the experience. You can't imagine how exciting it is for me that four teachers from my school are out there experiencing the world in ways that most of us will never be brave enough to try. When we say that we like to have teachers who bring different experience and backgrounds to a school, we don't realize what the potential really is. What you're doing this summer adds such an amazing dimension to our community!
13th August 2008

Thanks for the message. It's great to hear from you. I thank you for your kind words as this aspect of the summer draws to a close for me. Already, the first hint of dawn from the new school year was starting to creep into the sky for me. It's going to be seem a mere heartbeat, and we'll all be back together again. I hope you've had some time for relaxation during what no doubt has been a hectic summer for you. All the best, mike
18th August 2008

You wrote it and I read it!!!! To borrow a line from Seinfeld, No drinks for you!!
19th August 2008

Hi, well I know you were back in Medford and are now on your way to England. Enjoy your last two weeks , time withyour borhters and friends there . See you soon Safe travels again Lucille
20th August 2008

Thanks Lucille. I hope you have a great two weeks also as school starts to loom in the distance!
20th August 2008

Some kind of misunderstanding here mate. It was Howell who plotted the overthrow. I stood loyally by you. You know that! I would never. MIne's a lager. I'm back on the 31st. Going into school on the 1st? mike
19th October 2008

Hello mike. This is Dani from Spain. I hope you still receive these mails because I would like to have your private mail address. I have many things to say to you. Please answer me back. My private mail is :

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