Tarantulas, Coatis and toucans (oh my!)

Published: May 6th 2009
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Iguazu was amzing! We had only just started on the path to the falls and spied a pretty butterfly up ahead. We were momentarily transfixed, but not for long, as a big hairy tarantula scuttled its way along the trail, just centimetres from our jandalled feet. And then as we neared a bend we heard a noise in the bushes. Then out popped a family of Coatis! These furry guys are pretty tame and used to tourists, but theyre cheeky and will take any food they can get your hands on.

As it was dry season several of the smaller falls were all but dried up, yet the bigger falls were still impressive. The Devil´s Throat was by far the highlight of the day (well after the amazing buffet lunch), as the spray coated all the visitors and rainbows peaked between the different falls. It was choice.

Crossing over to the Brazilian side we spent a morning wandering and gawking in awe at the sheer size of the falls from this angle. It was truly spectacular. We then headed over the road to the Bird Park where we saw all sorts of crazy and colourful parrots, flamingoes, eagles and every kind of toucan you can imagine. In one enclosure we spied a toucan on the path as we entered. He had a crazy look in his eye and so we were loathe to pass, preferring instead to wait for him to hop on his way. Then a group of three others came in and powered past us and the toucan and over the bridge. Thinking there was safety in numbers we followed. We were wrong. Mr Evil Toucan hopped his way in my direction (saw it all in slow mo, just like the movies), opened his beak making snapping noises as he neared me, and the swept in for the kill and the bugger bit me on the ankle! I squawked, grabbed Caitlin, she squeaked, the other tourists laughed and the evil bitey toucan got his revenge.

I am no longer a fan of toucans.


12th May 2009

ow! and aw, petpet. hope your ankle is better now :)

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