Blogs from La Paz, La Paz Department, Bolivia, South America - page 125


South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz May 21st 2006

SERVIETTES In some of the cheaper restaurants, serviettes are just little triangular pieces of paper-not very absorbent or soft on the mouth but great for planning the day's activities on. I found myself stealing a few actually because elsewhere (in internet cafes), just a little scrap of paper is surprisingly hard to get. It's a good thing because it means there's no waste. HOT SHOWERS Despite the fact that all hostels advertise hot showers, they are somewhat elusive. Commonly I find myself trying to track down a worker to say, 'disculpe, no hay agua caliente ahora, como?' and then, 'no, stupid tourist, you have to go to the BOTTOM floor for a 'hot' shower´. well of course everybody knows it after the first time. But that first time is never pleasant- standing naked, waiting and willing ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz May 18th 2006

La PAz is a great city and I'm excited at the prospect of being here for a bit, even if I've received no less than 6 warnings from different helpful people (police officers, taxi drivers) about the need to be verrry careful (mostly about fake police officers and taxi drivers that will rob you). There is a witches' market just near my hostel in teh centre where you can find all sorts of mystical looking potions and herbs. They also have dried llama foetuses which are meant to protect you from bad things. they look revolting. Last night Laurent (a Parisian guy I'm travelling with at the moment) and I went to a reggae concert in the teatro aire libre (outdoor ampitheatre) in La Paz. Just the first section was filled so it was virtually a ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz May 18th 2006

Arrived in La Paz after 12 hours of torture. The overnight bus we took from Uyuni was smelly, freezing cold and squeezy. La Paz is the highest capital city of the world, located at 3,600m in the high valley of the Andes. It give me a modern city mixed with a little indigeneous feel. Many of the older generation are still dressed in their traditional Bolivian costumes. The market scene here is really lively. I like. The things they sell range from Bolivian snacks, toiletries, handicrafts, accessories etc. At Plaza San Francisco, it´s always crowded with lotsa of people at all times of the day. There´s an active speakers´corner and the audience seem really participative too. Wonder what are they raving about. Visited yet another Valle de la Luna. The reason for this name is because ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz May 17th 2006

When I was in Uyuni, I 'lost' my wallet while waiting at a bus station....No Big deal, I still had my moneybelt with my creditcard and pasport. I asked my parents to send the bankcard to the dutch embassy, and I thought everything would be OK 2 weeks later. While waiting in La Paz for my still not here.....the worst thing happened. After walking at the local marked I discovered my bag was open...and what was missing, yeah my moneybelt. The hassle to arrange everything is the worst, the good thing I sponsored the bolivian economy a big deal, I hope they happy with it!! Enough of the waiting I went to Lake Titicaca, one of the highest lakes in the world..almost at 4000 meters!!! There is an Island Isla del Sol, where the Inca ... read more
Sunrise at Isla del Sol
Original Inca Boat on Lake Titicaca
Hiking at Isla del Sol

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz May 16th 2006

We have a lot of pictures to share, but we aren´t able to download them here, we´ll find another internet cafe later. For now we leave you with the three Inca commandments, Don´t lie, Don´t Steal and Don´t be lazy!... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz May 15th 2006

Hello Everyone! We arrived safely in Bolivia on Sunday morning. Mauricio´s uncle Eddie met us at the airport and even after 20 years they recognized each other. They are such a warm family. We spent the day with them celebrating another uncle´s birthday. We enjoyed the best Saltenas, although Mauricio is commenting that the best Saltenas are in Cochabamba! Well, I guess I will see! Anyway. We had a feast and a tour of La Paz. Life in Bolivia is so different from anything that I have experienced before. In the middle of the city women are cleaning their clothes in the river. There are so many hills and I still have not adjusted to the altitude! Tingly fingers and toes... I will leave the rest of the symptoms to your imagination! Anyway we took a ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz May 13th 2006

I was not supposed to go to Bolivia at all , I was supposed to travel from Peru' to Brazil BUT I did a very silly mistake: I didn’t check whether I needed any vaccination coming from Peru' and guess what, I needed a yellow fever vaccine which I didn't have! When I checked-in in Lima they asked me whether my injections were up to date and when they explained to me that Brazil would DENY me entry without a yellow fever vaccine the world crushed on me...will I have ever be more stupid than that? I hope not!!!! Because I had a connection in La Paz to go to Rio De Janeiro they suggested I change my ticket and stayed for a bit in Bolivia to try and get those vaccines done....I WAS NOT HAPPY...I ... read more
La Paz
Me and Alejandro
The Medical centre

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz May 9th 2006

from Rurrenabaque (pampas), the Salar, La paz and from peru - machu-picchu... read more
Pub in Bolivia
the valley

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz May 9th 2006

From Copacabana we took a boat over to a nearby island in Lake Titicaca - Isla del Sol. The cramped tourist boat took us one and half hours over the water and we were greeted on the island by dozens of young boys, touting accomidation. All of the hostels on this island are found up a steep hill so it´s vital to take one of the lads up on their offer. The hill is so steep and the altitude so high, I can´t manage to carry my big bag up the hill - my heart and lungs refusing to keep up. When we arrive at the top, the view is astounding. The huge lake appears to be an ocean all around us, snow topped mountains in the distance. That gives you a good idea of how ... read more
Room with a view on Isla del Sol
Inca ruins

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz May 6th 2006

We awake early (ish) and meet the girls for one final meal together, its a shame to leave them after 3 days of doing most things together, best people ive met so far by a Swedish mile (10km). They have very kindly made us wrist bands, Matts features a nut which still hasnt been explained, which adds to the emotional farewell as they head to Peru and we continue to La Paz. Due to classic overbooking our bags are thrown on top of the bus and i have to ride shotgun with the driver. Its and equally scary and beautiful journey witrh the mountains becom,ing closer as we travel towards La Paz. Some town we pass throuigh are the poorest ive seen so far, skelentons of buildings and dirt tracks are all that can bee seen ... read more
View over La Paz (plus kissing couple)
There we are...

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