First Day in La Paz

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South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz
April 4th 2006
Published: April 4th 2006
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So I arrived at 1 in the morning. I have no idea what time zone this is... tried to do the math and just ended up really confused.
1st lil episode of drama: the hostel that I am staying at had their staff on some kind of strike,and so there was no reception after midnight. So, my trusty cab driver Jorge (jk, i dunno his name) drove me around and found me a hotel that was open. I ended up paying freaking 20 bucks for this place for one night, and bolted outta there early next morn.

now i´m settled in my comfy Hostel Maya, right smack in the middle of Witch´s Market. The place is bustling with activity, and the people are all incredibly nice. my first meal in Bolivia? Lasagna. That´s right, I had Italian food. And it was good and homemade.

I walked around the plaza and checked out the neighborhood a bit, and it started raining all of a sudden, so I had to run back to the hostel.

Speaking of running. That brings us to Altitude Sickness. Which I do not have. Because I was smart enough to prophylax myself with a CAI. BUT, that being said, it doesn´t mean that I actually get more oxygen than the next guy (yeah, I just figured that part out myself), so a little bit of running uphill and i´m panting like a dog.

Speaking of uphill. The streets here remind me of the streets in San Francisco. very hilly, alot of steep slopes.

And speaking of San Francisco, there is a plaza here called Plaza de San Francisco, and it´s kind of like the zocalo´s in Mexico, only it´s not squared, it´s more of a semicircle.

Speaking of Mexico, PONCHOS baby! so many of them. so colorful. i don´t know why i didn´t see them in mexico, but i def didn´t cuz if i did i woulda bought some. I actually went around asking for prices, pretty darn cheap!

speaking of asking for prices. everyone here thinks that I´m a japanese journalist (really, everyone). One guy started telling me the price in Japanese (which was embarrasing because, as you all know, I don´t speak japanese.)

ok, that´s it for me. not much going on really, partly because of this whole having to find the hostel thing and partly because i´m pretty tired from traveling all day yesterday, so took it easy. Tomorrow, OFF TO THE MERCADO DE NEGRO and the Coca museum.


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