Iguazu Falls, Argentina!

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South America » Argentina
April 7th 2009
Published: April 7th 2009
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We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open." - Jawaharial Nehru

Sorry it´s taken us a while to send an update! We are dealing with prehistoric internet technology and VERY slow connections!!

Here´s an update of where we´ve been in the past two weeks (we´ve seen a lot, sorry for the long email):

The falls were absolutely spectacular! I have never seen anything like it and wish I could replay the moment when we turned the corner in the boat we were in and saw the falls for the first time. We also got a "shower" as part of our tour - this meant that the boat took us straight into the base of the falls and we all got completely drenched! Looking over Devil´s Throat (the biggest falls - one side on argentina, one side on brazil) was crazy! We also celebrated our Dad´s bday in Iguazu by spending the day on the Piranha river (bordering Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil) and fished for golden dorado. We caught four! A great way to celebrate his birthday! Our fishing guide, Manga, who was Brazilian but has a Japanese wife and just got back from 8 years of living in Osaka - we enjoyed watching him talk to mom in Japanese while she answered back to him in Spanish. 😊


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