Patagonian Adventure-PART VIII-Parque Nacional Monte Leon

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South America » Argentina
January 17th 2007
Published: February 3rd 2007
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PART VIII: Parque Nacional Monte Leon: January 17-18

Leaving El Calafate, we crossed to Parque Nacional Monte Leon in order to reach the East Coast of Argentina. Arriving during a rainy windy evening, we set up our tent in the national park while watccing the guanacos eating in the distance....and went immediately to sleep!

The next morning we headed to the Pinguinera in order to watch more than 60,000 pinguins in their natural environment. We were alone in the middle of this impressive colony and were extremely close to the pinguins. It was pleasant to observe these clumsy walkers but stupendous swimmers taking care of their babies, swimming for food, and hiding from the powerful winds!

Next stop: Puerto Madryn-Peninsula Valdes

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Along the Ruta 40, and many other roads, shrines are built in the memory of Difunta Correa, a woman who has followed her husband to war but died from starvation and thirst. These shrines are usually full of water bottles available to every courageous pilgrim...

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