Blogs from San Martín de Los Andes, Neuquén, Argentina, South America - page 7


12/04/06 - 14/04/06 Having left my much loved backbacker lifestyle in Bariloche, i ventured by bus to San Martin, passing through some of the most beautiful landscape you will should be labelled as one of the most beautiful drives in the world. Australia has its great ocean road, Argentina has the 7 lakes road trip...passing through crystal lakes reflecting their green cloaked mountains and winding landscape..but unfortunately i was on a direct bus trip that did not allow for us to stop and admire the landscape in its entirety... finally arriving in San Martin...a small pristine town, surrounded by lakes and mountains...unfortunately didnt get to see much because of the constant rain!! ... read more

dann bereitet euch gut vor (die Touristeninformation kann euch nicht bei der Reiseplanung helfen) und denkt immer daran die Sommersaison endet am 28.Februar danach fahren keine Busse mehr in den Nationalpark und es wird bedeutend schwieriger den Ort zu verlassen da ein Teil der Busverbindungen eingestellt wird. Wir hoffen dass nicht auch noch die Internetcafes den Betrieb einstellen, damit wir euch weiter auf dem Laufenden halten koennen. Bis bald, Raphael... read more

Also ich haette da noch was zu sagen: Ich bin mit der Fotoauswahl von Raphael nicht so ganz zufrieden und moechte daher nur kurz anmerken, das ich diese Sonnenbrille nur im Schmuddel-Kuschel-mich-kennt-eh-Keiner-also-kann-ich-auch-als-Fliege-rumlaufen-Outfit trage. Also, das seh ich ja aus wie Willie :-( Werde dafuer sorgen, dass es bald andere Fotos von mir/uns gibt, damit hier kein falscher Eindruck entsteht und ihr womoeglich denkt ich wuerde zu einer Art argentinischen Spidermans mutieren. Seid auch von mir lieb gegruesst und fuehlt euch von Fliegenarmen umarmt, Die Silke... read more

Oh well, Matt tried to get up to date but we are getting behind again so I am going to give you an account of our few days in San Martin as well as the rest of our time in Bariloche. We are currently in Santiago and Matt did spend almost 2 hours yesterday sorting through 1200+ pictures and selecting the best ones to put on the website. So the pictures are coming!!! Santiago is a very nice city and we had a lovely day yesterday which hopefully you will hear about soon. Back to Bariloche, Argentina on February 25... So after an action packed evening before of obtaining tickets to San Martin de los Andes, catching up on internet, and of course an obligatory helados trip, we headed back to our out of the way ... read more

Well, once we arrived and walked all about and checked at least 20 places for a place to sleep, Scott asked a man standing in his yard if he knew if there was a hostal nearby. The man turned out to be our savior. His name is Steve and he speaks fluent English due to his Irish grandparents. He sent us towards a nearby hostal, but said if it was full (which it was), that we should come back. We came back and he and his wife invited us in, called around some more, and then offered to drive us to places until we found one. They were amazing - completely unexpected kindness after our crazy hard day. We got lucky with the first stop at Casa de Coco, or this guy Coco´s house. His upstairs ... read more

Seriously, if there ever was a family to rival the great Clark W and co, it would definatley be without a doubt this one. We all piled into the car and for those of you that know us, Timmy and I are not small men by any standards, however Joel ( aka the dirty man) most certanly is, which was bad luck for him as he was almost crushed to death in the back seat of the car for nigh on 5 hours ( 4 of which were on dirt road ) on the way from Bariloche to San Martin de los Andes. But in saying that there was never a minute go by without laughter or jokes cracked at someone elses expense. We even got told how mums new trampoline meant for exercise was only ... read more
Beach Views

Villa La Angostura And with that we waved goodbye to Bariloche, 3 weeks after we arrived. We didn't go very far though, just 90 kms to the north-west. One of the park rangers in Iguazú had recommended this town to us as one of the prettiest in the Lake District, which is also the favourite destination of the better-off Argentinians for their summer holidays. Meaning accommodation would also be more expensive, so we decided to camp yet again. The sun was shining brightly after all... Naturally, it didn't last. That evening the heavens opened like it hadn't rained in a decade and by the time we got to the tent, slightly drenched, we had 4 leaks. Splendid! After piling up our possessions so that they wouldn't touch the walls and wrapping our feet in our waterproof ... read more
The forest is life: don't let it burn
Villa la Angostura: The Port / El Puerto

I forgot to add in pictures from our stay at Ariatnas...of her new BELLY!!! We has such a good time with her and her family. Her and her husband bought land and they are now building a blowling´s the talk of the town...=) ... read more
coca light MMmmm
Yup Same Bus
Good Genes

The day after our hike up Cerro Negro, we decided to take it easy and hike to a couple of waterfalls which were just a few kilometers above the beautiful town of Villa Traful. (The guys agree that Villa Traful should be refered to as a settlement since it is too small to call it a town.) Just as we passed one of the last homes, we met a friendly dog which Noah named "Sly". Noah names most of the dogs that we meet on the trip. Sly hiked with us to both of the cascadas and then continued on with us to the alfajore bakery which was located on the edge of town. The guys have been sampling alfajores throughout our trip. Upon tasting the alfajores Del Montanes, they unanimously agreed that these are the ... read more
Hike to Las Cascadas
 Cascada Blanca
Sky Above The Falls

In the interest of getting out the most recent photos, the pictures will tell the story for now.... read more
Ryan in The Captain's Quarters
Fossilized Coral Formations
Puerto San Julian

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