Hostel Lao

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South America » Argentina » Mendoza
September 5th 2007
Published: September 12th 2007
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I've not stayed in many hostels in my life but if Hostel Lao is the benchmark for Hostels in South America then there are good times ahead. Mike, a guy from Derby, UK, runs this hostel with his Argentinian fiance, Celeste and their two kids, Astro and Bambina. It's a family affair and the vibe is chilled, with hammocks and a pool in the garden.

Astro is the size of a small bear. They claim he´s an Alsation but I'm not convinced, he's too big to be a dog...but then, dogs in Argentina are on a strict diet of kilo after kilo of red meat so perhaps this is what happens. Despite his terrifying size, and teeth that could pierce through led, Astro (short for 'Astroid', i imagine), is the friendliest, most docile dog I've ever met... Although i wouldn´t want to get on the wrong side of him.

The size of a small bear, Astro is mostly harmless!

Astro's favourite game is 'i can grab the stick before you can'. I wasn't going to argue!


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