Blogs from Córdoba, Argentina, South America - page 21


South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba January 14th 2009

eerste indrukken… zondag na veel reizen kwamen we aan op de luchthaven van cordoba… daar was het al een hele belevenis van een taxi te vinden die betrouwbaar was en die ons ook goed en wel met alle bagage naar het appartement zou kunnen brengen… lucie en jonas waren nog eerst geld gaan wisselen en toen kwam er al zo ne man naar mij om te vragen of we ne taxi nodig hadden… stond ik daar met die zes valiezen en mn gebrekkelijk spaans… uiteindelijk zijn we der dan toch me meegegaan en hij heeft ons voor geen geld helemaal naar hier gebracht… toen we hier dan toekwamen aan de appartementen bleek da ze nog moesten nakijken in welk appartement da wij wel zouden moeten wonen enzo… eerst hadden ze ons eentje op het eerste verdiep ... read more
santiago aeropuerto
mijn bed en kast (als in bed2)

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba January 13th 2009

gezien op de andere blog commentaartjes niet mogelijk waren, heb ik er een nieuwe aangemaakt... ik ben ni zo'n held in deze dingen, maar ik doe mijn best en ik beloof plechtig dat ik morgen namiddag eens een echt verslag van de eerste dagen ga maken... ik stel het hier wel... hard gewerkt ondertss al in vrij back to basic omstandigheden, zuid-amerika op en top... spaans is voorlopig nog een beetje de barriere, maar op deze twee korte dagen is dat al een pak gebeterd, dus het kan alleen maar in de goeie richting gaan... ik mis jullie x 34 graden en stralende zon... read more

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba January 11th 2009

Na een heleboel vertragingen, bagage-perikelen, loesje taxi's en appartementwissels zijn we geraakt waar we moeten zijn... Caseros 222 in Cordoba... Ver van thuis en iedereen, maar ondanks dat denk ik dat we een tijdelijk thuisje hier gaan kunnen maken... ik heb alle fotos mooi uitgestald naast mn bedje, zodat ik ten allen tijde toch een beetje kan terugvallen op mn echte thuis... ons appertement valt keigoe mee... niet te klein, niet te groot, alles wat er moet zijn... behalve een kast voor mij en als ik zie wa bagage dak uiteindelijk meeheb... heb het dan maar op het vierde (overbodige) bed uitgestald... ik stel het hier goed... dikke zoen x 32 graden en stralende zon (fotos volgen snel)... read more

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba January 10th 2009

I thought I'd take a break from posting the usualy Day X blog, and just use this time to talk about one of the things that's got me baffled. Why do we have so many different sets of languages in the world, and why can't we just eliminate them all except one and use that as a universal langauge, and you'll understand why I use the word "plauge" in the title as you read more into the blog. According to, there's 6,912 languages in the world that's being used to say practically the same thing but with a different set of words. Honestly, do we need that many? I mean, I've had the displeasuable experience of being really confused in South America only because I barely know the language, and sometimes hand signals can get ... read more

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba December 31st 2008

Wuensche Euch allen einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr und alles Gute fuer 2009! Unten noch ein Link zu einer kleinen Grusskarte ;-) Wish you all a happy new year and lot´s of luck for 2009! Here´s a link to a little greeting-card ;-) Silvester ... read more

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba December 27th 2008

The bus-ride to Rosario was nice, although "different" than expected :-) First I saw some "old friends" again - the Church of Lujan ;-) Than we stopped there at the Terminal and they asked us to get off the bus, but we can leave the luggage. We did so and the bus disappeared ... I didn´t understand the explanation, why we had to leave, so I just kept stuck to the other people of the bus. After half an hour the bus returned and we got on again - I couldn´t see any "change", so I asked my sit-neighbor, what this all was about and he told me, that they have went with the bus to a garage, to make a motor-service ... :-) ... well, that´s not what I would call "inspiring confidence", but we ... read more
Traveling Feets 2
Plaza San Martin
Plaza Civica

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba December 26th 2008

Hi All, I am planning on travelling to South America for 7-8 months next year. First, I am planning to do a 2 months Spanish school in Cordoba, Argentina. I have not booked any school yet, but I have been speaking to schools and read feedbacks on the school's websites. There are so many to choose from!!!!:-( Does anyone know a good school that you would recommend me choosing? Also, I am planning on staying with host families so I can pick up the lanuguag easily. Does anyone have any experience on this? Many thanks for your trips guys, Cheers ZsuZsiG ... read more

South America » Argentina » Córdoba December 12th 2008

12 hours up the road we ended up in Cordoba. Its Argentina's 2nd biggest city and it was peeing rain when we arrived. We went to our prebooked hostel which we ended up regretting. It had a terrible vibe for reasons i cant go into. We spent the next 2 days walking around the city. There wasnt much there as far as we could tell and as it was the weekend the streets were deserted. We did visit a cool museum and went to a really cool tango show apart from the cheesy singing!! Its funny how you can have a totally different time to someone else. Met a guy in Salta who was to spend 2 days there and spent 5 and partied every night til dawn. Don't know what we were up to. So ... read more
Evita Museo

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba October 10th 2008

Another week down and plenty more to write about. This week,s entry is a little belated so apologies in advance. We left Buenos Aires for Cordoba around 12 o clock local time, the journey was tedious. 10 hours in sweltering heat and not a drink in sight. Not to mention the discomfort of my unreclinable seat. None the less we arrived on time in Cordoba at 1am and successfully negotiated a taxi to the hostel. The hostel was nice, nice people, nice bedrooms and all the mod cons. We stayed up for a little while and played some pool, then we went to bed and slept for a very long time. Cordoba is the second city in Argentina, slap bang in the middle of La Pampas in North Centro, basically amongst low lying flood plains, highly ... read more

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba September 17th 2008

So there was a transportation strike today, therefore I was unable to go to Che´s hometown, Alta Gracia. walked around town. had lunch in a park. had some yummy ice cream. hoping to go to alta gracia tomorrow- we will see if the buses are going again. love meg ... read more

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