Taken for a Ride

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September 24th 2007
Published: September 27th 2007
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horse 2horse 2horse 2

Me on officially the slowest horse in the world
Got up the same sort of time and headed out on our second ride. I had the same horse as yesterday but she must have eaten well overnight as she was less interested in the taste of my trousers today.

We were heading for a place called the Top of the World, the highest point on the 6,000 acre ranch. We got to the point where we had to start a steep incline, and Chantal as the least confident there decided not to do it. She had a bigger horse than me so we swapped, which seemed like a good idea. Except her horse was the slowest horse in the world and no matter what I did she wouldn't break into a trot. Still, could have been worse - Lynette managed to almost kill her horse.

Got to the Top of the World and had a great view over the ranch, before heading back.

That evening, we had a gaucho barbecue where Hume, Luis (the horse breaker) and Kevin cooked for us and we ate some of the ranch's cattle. Again we indulged in some of the local wine before I again opted to sleep in the house with the girls. Annoyingly again none of them made a move. They must have amazing willpower.


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