Last days of Buenos Aires

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April 18th 2008
Published: April 18th 2008
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 Video Playlist:

1: Football 18 secs
La BocaLa BocaLa Boca

La Boca home of colour
Like black is to white, like chalk is to cheese so Recoleta is to La Boca which was to be our first destination on our BA adventures yesterday.
Before walking the short distance of a few kms to see one of the most dangerous suburbs in BA we asked for directions at the Hostel reception and were immediately told not to walk but to get the bus from just outside. So day packs on we strolled across the road and onto bus 64. Like anything in a foreign, non English speaking country, a simple task of catching a local bus can become difficult. Leanne was geared up and ready to try her Spanish on the bus driver only to be met by a grunt and then ushered down the bus to some kind of coin machine. We watched carefully the person before us and tried to follow her but as we continued to put in coin after coin after coin after coin the bus driver started yelling something in Spanish. We had no idea what he was saying or what the problem was and still dont but the faster we put the coins in the faster they came out. Lucky for
La BocaLa BocaLa Boca

Even the sky adds to the colour here
us the friendly passenger next to us finally helped us out.
La Boca is the oldest, most colourful, and most authentic neighborhood in Buenos Aires. The neighborhood was settled and built by Italian immigrants that worked in the warehouses and meatpacking plants in the area. La Boca is partly an artist colony, but mostly a working-class neighborhood. Caminito street is the most famous street in the area and owes its characteristic splashes of bright colours on the walls of every buildings to the location of the suburb. The locals would use left over ship paint to splash on the side of their houses. These houses are now mostly cafes, bars or shops and have created a very colourful and visited attraction in what would otherwise be a forgotten bleak part of the city. Really great site to see but is strictly the type of place you don't wonder far from the busy crowds!
We headed back on the bus stopping at the cobbled street area of San Telmo which was the upper class area of the city before an epidemic of yellow fever that drove the rich to the now exclusive Recoleta district.
Finally it was a visit to Plaza
La BocaLa BocaLa Boca

Don,t venture too far
de Mayo where Evita gave her famous speeches to the people.
A night at the football was to be the highlight of the day so upon meeting others at the hostel we headed off to watch Atlético River Plate in the knock out game of the champions league with San Martin de Porres (Peru club team)
The game was quite an experience, forget the football you could entertain yourself just watching the passionate crowd. Not exactly a close match up with River plate winning 5 nil but gave plenty for the home side to sing and dance about.
Today is our last day in BA and we spend tonight drifting to sleep in Cama (bed) class, traveling 18hrs south to Puerto Madryn which is located at the foot of "Parque Faunistica Peninsula Valdes" national park.

P.S finally we have educated ourselves on uploading pics and movies to the blog. We will tell a small white lie and say it is tremendously difficult hence the delay in adding this feature. But now hopefully we can update you in true multi media.

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Rest TimeRest Time
Rest Time

hard day at the office
Tango in San TelmoTango in San Telmo
Tango in San Telmo

Not in public, NO PDA

18th April 2008

Great addition - now I have real images to add to your wonderful image painting through words - both compliment each other beautifully
20th April 2008

I bet you didnt wear your Chelsea top to the footie, Codd piece.......

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