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January 30th 2010
Published: January 30th 2010
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Hola everyone,
I have made it successfully to Argentina and am sitting at my host parents kitchen table right now. Hugo and Nelly are my father and mother respectively and from what I can tell they are just fantastic. I got into the airport around 10:30 this morning and had a bit of a shock. My ride Coki was fifteen minutes late so there were a couple of tense moments wandering around the Buenos Aires airport. Luckily there was a girl in the same program as me on my flight and she had a cell phone so we got in contact with the people and arranged the pickup. Coki, who works for the program manages the housing situations and travel. She is very beautiful and extremely sweet. When we met up with her she informed us that we would have to wait another two hours at the airport for the next group that would be catching the shuttle into town. Two hours turned into three and it was quite the frustrating experience spending my first time in Buenos in the Airport. Oh, by the way, it is extremely hot here. Its hard to describe but I can say that I haven't stopped sweating the entire time.
My host family met me at the University and drove me to their house which is eight blocks away. The neighborhood is pretty ritzy compared to the rest of the city. I have a roommate here that is also from the United States his name is Peter and he is here with a program from Peperdine. He is quite knowledgeable about the town because he spent the last semester here. He has been raving about how I got the best family imaginable. Hugo is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Argentine Army and is a great guy. He has been giving me basic Spanish lessons all afternoon. Nelly doesn't speak any English but we have been able to communicate quite effectively and right now the smell of beef is filling the apartment. Only one of their daughters is around right now, Lilen, and my dreams have come true she is absolutely gorgeous, quite stunning in fact. Additionally my room is possibly the smallest I have ever seen its cozy to say the least but I am by no means complaining, the house has internet which will make communication and updating my blog alot easier. Tonight I am going out to the bar in Palermo with Peter and it should prove to be a great time. I hope everyone is well, enjoy the cold 😊


30th January 2010

Wooo hooo!
Have fun at the bars tonight my man! We will probably just be beginning our nightly struggle to find something to do..."having said that," cheers to the night and don't sweat too much!
30th January 2010

love u buddy
Missin u already patty! Sounds like ur off to a great start. Love ya!
30th January 2010

So happy you made it there safely! Spent yesterday wondering how you were doing. So happy to hear that you are with a knowledgeable room mate. Your new mom and dad sound wonderful! You are on your way for a grand adventure. Miss you already. Love, Mom
30th January 2010

Sounds like a great place to be Patrick! You are very lucky to be with a great family. I can not wait to hear more about it, and enjoy going to the bars as a legal drinking adult!
31st January 2010

Patrick, Thanks ahead of time for sharing your experiences with us. Godfather wants me to set it up so it is easy to find your blog! He is sometimes intimidated by the computer. I am so excited for you and can't wait read more as your life unfolds there! Remember that we love you always.. Aunt Jannie
6th February 2010

Great to Hear from you!
Congratulations, Patrick, on arriving and surviving your first hours in Argentina. You have been so blessed to be able to travel and meet others around the world. Your host family sounds great! It will be fun to read your blog. Love, Aunt Karen

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