The Misplaced Ear Bud

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October 17th 2008
Published: October 17th 2008
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Remember I mentioned several days ago that my ear was stopped up? Well it didn’t get better and I was getting tired of walking lopsided to keep my balance. I was torn by the thought of going back to my girlfriend at the national hospital and putting a trumpet in my ear. I think that’s what they called those flower like objects that old folks used to put in their deaf ear but they were more popular in old record players. As much as the thought of this eccentricity appealed to me I asked Kevin the Fixer for another hospital option to Hospital de Hillary. He suggested the 100 peso Alemain Hospital just around the corner from our abode. This hospital was a lot better than we experienced at the public hospital prior but the procedure was similar. I walked in the front door at 5 pm. The lady at the counter referred me to the clinic (in English…with a German tint). I went over there, stood in line for about 5 min. When I got to the counter the lady asked me “vas is los.” I told her and she asked for my passport and 100 pesos. Showed my copy of passport and the money and she gave me a piece of paper similar to the one we got in the public hospital. Not dot matrix though and I didn’t have to go to window #1 to have it printed out. That was worth 100 pesos right there. She gave me two copies which she stamped paid (one for me/one for the doc...100 peso cost reflected on the paper…maybe our good ol HMO back home will pay me back.) She instructed me to go down the hall to the place that the overhead electronic indicators that show either room 131 or 132. My number was 178. At that point I had misgivings of waiting till midnight but when I got to the sign that showed 131 the electronic number was at 175. Within 15 min my number came up and I proceeded to room 131. English speaking doc (ear specialist) was waiting for me.

I thought this ear problem was related to the other cold symptoms and lived with it for a week. (remember it started the day we went on the tour of the city) So in the morn before I went to the hospital I stuck a Q tip in my ear and by chance some black stuff came out on the Q tip. I thought I was in big trouble...dried blood. Upon further inspection it looked more like fabric. Then I remember...the ear buds we had for the bus tour...there were little fabric booties included in the package. Well I remember one coming off the right ear bud but I never saw it on the floor. Put two and two together and the doc confirmed I had this material pushed deep into my ear canal via my Q tip. Go figure...

Nice guy (the doc). He hoovered up the residue and I felt like the lion who just had the thorn pulled outta his paw. Of course I had a great discussion with him getting my 100 pesos worth of time. His son plays soccer and his wife wants to divorce him caus she found out he had a girlfriend. For some reason people want to confess things to me. I gave him absolution and asked him to write on the receipt what he did to fix me in case this info is important to the insurance folks. He wrote something about minor surgery. Back home by 6 pm.

Wanna know what kind of wine I had that night?

Go in peace my friends…



17th October 2008

Laugh till I cried
Danny..... I thought I was going to read something about the drivers with ear buds in listening to music.... or skate boarders (any in Argentina that you have seen), and instead, I get the explanation about the latest in the medical saga. SO FUNNY !!!!! but I am ever so glad that it wasn't something that required more treatment, that is other than another glass of wine. Keep on enjoying and sharing with all of us. Adios... m
19th October 2008

The man with the fuzzy ear
LoL! You and your weird adventures! Glad they found out what it was while you were down there. Can you imagine getting home and your Doc. finding compacted black stuff in your ear. You might have been diagnosed with some new, rare disease. Then they'd have to put you in a research study and all. And I bet the medical bills would add up to a lot more than 100 pesos. So.... what wine are you drinking?
19th October 2008

Great to hear from you
Dear Kasku and Danny, great to hear from you with all the detailled experiences you are having. Nothing special around Austria, I am keeping busy having friends staying with me , meeting Gerti,Rosi and Fritzi, attending performances. On Tuesday I am taking Laurin to a ballett performance in the Volksoper. "Max and Moritz" a well known quite cruel story about two boys doing all kinds of bad things to people! Hope he willnot get the idea of copying them! Today, Sunday, is very nice but rather cold - I will stay home enjoying cleaning the place and taking the leaves off my terrace - there are still wonderful flowers out there. Best regards, love, Margarethe PS: Glad to read that you can still hear well again - quitea strange "surgery" that had to be done.
25th October 2008

Great story. So, which hospital is more like the military model in the US? Linda

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