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September 12th 2008
Published: September 12th 2008
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So this has been a pretty odd week. I´ve started to feel like a real student to some extent, as I finally have a couple of essays to write and, more importantly, an endless supply of psychology reading on which to catch up. The latter is due to the fact that I only just this past week obtained my id for la UCA, and hence have just now been able to get my textbooks. And of course because there are no strict guidelines for which pages we should read, I can´t help but feel an obligation to read everything that could possibly conceivably be relevant to the course, which amounts to a fair bit. So perhaps what makes me feel more like a real student than anything else is the fact that I´ve been carrying this fairly weighty old psychology textbook around with me, and reading it at every possible opportunity. But that´s all going to end, because as I speak I´m having copies made of the about 250 relevant pages of it. Copyright infringement it may be, but that´s how it apparently is done here, at least for the more textbook-like of the school books.

So despite feeling like I have a never-ending amount of work, I´ve actually had quite a lax week as far as actually attending classes goes. Two of my four spanish classes this week were cancelled due to teacher sicknesses, while I missed the monday session because it ´s at the same time as my UCA psych class. Today as well I was supposed to have a "tutoría" for my "Ritmo y Danza" class, but the professor was held up apparently by this protest being staged downtown today wherein the bus drivers are abandoning buses on the streets, thereby not only neglecting to carry passengers but also making it impossible for other automobiles to get into the most heavily trafficked parts of the city. So I´ve just had lots of days I guess where I was depending on just one class session to feel like I was actually living a productive life like a real person, and found abruptly that that class was not going to happen.

Anyway for reasons that I´m too tired to write about I´m too tired to write anything more (at least to write it in a semi-interesting manner) at the moment, so that´s going to be all for the moment.


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