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April 16th 2008
Published: April 16th 2008
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Rio Parana Delta early morningRio Parana Delta early morningRio Parana Delta early morning

Mist on the Rio Parana after sunrise
Where have we been? Well let us think as its been a few days!
We last updated the blog in Iguazu falls; from there we decided to leave our club med of hostels “Hostel Inn” to brave our first experience of Argentinean buses. So based with a plan of heading to the nearest National park we made a last min plan change based on timetables and available buses and ended up heading off at mid day for a 18hr bus trip to Rosario which we had heard was your classic Argentinean town set on the banks of the Rio Parana (second longest south American river to the mighty Amazon).
I’m sure an 18hr bus trip sounds about as appealing to you as it was to us but we must assure you that all is not as bad as it may first appear. You may be picturing us cramped on the bench seat at the back of a smoking old bus winding and bumping its way round South American terrain. Well save your sympathy and think fully reclining business class style seats, hot meals, movies and panoramic views trucking along on the dead straight Argentina planes. Yes this was as far from
Rio Parana DeltaRio Parana DeltaRio Parana Delta

Try skimming a stone over this river
the Indian public transport that we had become accustomed to as you will get and almost makes travel enjoyable. (Let’s reserve full judgement until we reach the far depths of Patagonia as there’s nothing like following a live map to realise how vast this country is.....)
We reached Rosario at 8am a little after expected and decided to stretch our legs by walking the 3kms to town. After checking into a hostel, waiting for 2 hrs for our room, then being evicted as it was doubled booked ggrrhh lets not go there!!!! We decided to let off steam by going for a 1hr run and see the sights.
Rosario is a very nice town and claims fame to being the home of Che Guevara but the true experience was to be found down on the banks of the Rio Parana delta with the magnificent walk ways, parks and river beaches and made for a terrific run. We managed to meet many smiling faces along the way including one young man that was only to happy to show us a little to closely his fresh trophy of some man eating sharp toothed fish. Everyone we met on the river was very
Breakfast on the Rio Parana Delta Breakfast on the Rio Parana Delta Breakfast on the Rio Parana Delta

Nice spot for a bit of Breakfast
patient with our still limited Spanish but things seem to be improving and Matt decided it was time to put things to the acid test. So off we went Leanne with phrase book in hand and Matt sporting a brave smile, to the barber.....
Matt was armed with the words "Poco Mas" (little more) and Leanne was sitting as backup in the chair armed with
"afeitelo todo!" (Shave it all off)
"No debia haberle dejado tocarme!" (I should never have let you near me!)
Good news is Leanne sat silent and Matt came out retaining his smile.
We now sit back in BA after another 4hr luxurious bus trip this afternoon and plan to see the many sights on offer here for a few days.
Adiós amigos

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Friendly FishFriendly Fish
Friendly Fish

Not swimming with you mate

16th April 2008

Tell the truth now......
It all sounds like wonderful marital bliss..... come on spill the beans about all the fights!! Thanks for the update, you have us all addicted, and we've been hanging on to hear the next update... after three days Mum and I were getting withdrawal symtoms!
16th April 2008

Reading each entry inspires either a geography or Spanish lesson. Seems you have gotten away to a good week's start. Don't think it's a good environment for someone who sits on their bus pass at the BBQ and defaces it. I'd better contain myself to Gold Coast, Qld, I think.
16th April 2008

Well - if you ever get truly lost we will know to send interpol in the opposite direction to your planned route and maybe they will find you.

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