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South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires
November 12th 2007
Published: November 12th 2007
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I (emily) have arrived safely in Buenos Aires. Im not that jetlagged because I only arrived at the hostel at 10.30 last night after my retrosada flight and just went to sleep. Santiago airport was interesting because I didnt have a boarding pass and got told different things by different chilenos on whether i needed one or not. ANyway i ended up getting one from the gate like 15mins before leaving. because it was so retrosada i had heaps of time to kill (like 6hrs) and spent most of it basically listening to this aussie guy with a 7cm beard on his way home talk about what he¨d been doing on his travels and about himself and permaculture. i hardly needed to say anything. Also watched the music videos running on the airport tvs. Ricky Martin is still big, who wouldve known?

Today Ive just been randomly walking round the city which is "very, very interesting". And even I couldnt get very lost because the whole city is just a massive grid. Then I came back to the hostel so I could find out what Ive been looking at. I saw the parliament building I think, and the casa rosada which had riot police in front of it, when I came back to the hostel I saw them live on tv doing their thing except I didnt gether what this mini riot was about. possibly the recent election?
The Spanish isnt going too well because I can ask people questions but cant understand their answers.
anyway thats the brief version of whats been happening but just wanted to say that everything is fine!


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