About Kai

Oceans and Seas » Pacific
November 27th 2009
Published: November 27th 2009
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Kai has sailed over 8,000 miles solo on his 26ft Westerly Centaur, Desire. He’s also sailed over 17,000 miles as crew on larger vessels. He’s sailed from Seattle to Baja California (Mexico), Seattle to Hawaii then Hawaii to Tahiti as well as Halifax to New York. Since May 2009 he has sailed from San Diego to the Marquesas, ten weeks in Hawaii aboard Desire and back to the mainland delivering a 52 foot motor sailer to San Diego. By profession, he’s an architect although he dabbles in marine electronics, navigation, long distance voyaging and yacht deliveries.

Kai was born a poor black child on a fjord facing Denmark...

He is a dynamic figure, once seen scaling bridges and high rises to contemplate the grandeur of the cities they serve. He has been known to redesign harbours on his lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the area of traffic flow and vessel moorage. Kai often translates ethnic slurs for eastern German refugees, writes award-winning memos, and strives to manage time efficiently.

Kai woos women with his sensuous and ethereal gazoo playing, can pilot grape laden tractors up severe inclines with unflagging speed and grace, and has been known to cook Thirty-Minute Brownies in twenty two minutes. He is known as an expert in various forms of construction, a veteran of love, and an outlaw in Brooklyn.

Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, he once single-handedly defended a small village in Bora Bora from a horde of ferocious army ants. He plays bluegrass moonshine jug, and is the subject of numerous documentaries. When he's bored, he builds large suspension bridges in the jungle. He pioneered the art of urban camping. On Wednesdays, after work, he repairs electrical appliances free of charge.

Kai is an abstract artist, a weather analyst, a part time diesel mechanic and a consumate navigator. After leaving his life as a ruthless urban planning guerrilla and architect, critics worldwide swooned over his original line of kackie evening wear. He perspires. He is a private citizen, yet receives fan mail. For several years he toured the Pacific Ocean with a travelling centrifugal-force demonstration. His deft floral arrangements have earned him fame in international botany circles. Children and animals trust him.

Kai can hurl bottle caps at small moving objects with deadly accuracy. Once, he read Moby Dick, the tide tables for windward Mo’orea and the New York Sunday Times in one day yet still had time to refurbish an entire dining room for a dinner party that evening with several neighbourhood hoodlums. He knows the exact location of many food items in quite a few supermarkets in various locations around the world. He can neither confirm nor deny that he has performed several covert operations with unmentionable clandestine agencies. He sleeps twice a week and for seven years, when he did sleep, he slept on a plank. While on vacation in Germany, he successfully negotiated with a group of terrorists who had seized a small bakery, demanding fresh bread.

Kai is a hopeless romantic. A man who lives and loves with passion and desire and appetite. A man who grabs great platters from the groaning board of this world and eats his fill. A man who kneads fate in his hands, shapes it and revels in it. A man with a reckless bent and the courage of fire. A man who sees beauty in a raindrop and all the truth of the universe in the eyes of a dog. A man with needs and wants aflame within him. A man that few can ever understand and fewer still will have the guts to love. A man of whom it might be said 'The laws of physics do not apply to him.

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