Quick stop in Bermuda

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic
June 13th 2011
Published: July 25th 2011
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We arrived to Bermuda last Wednesday (June 8th). The island is rather flat, long and skinny. We docked starboard side to which means we could come and go as we please and didn't have to rely on skiff runs. The 1st evening off, every one congregated at the White Horse Tavern with Paulina's family. Walking through St. George was weird - even at five or six pm all the shops were closed as they only keep hours for cruise ships it seems - the shop windows are filled with cruise ship-ish souvenirs, the clothes are conservative, preppy English-styled. Cody, Wendy and I did find an open grocery store and I was pretty overwhelmed by all the choices. It had things I like in it thought. Then we found an unfinished church that looks like Gothic ruines.
Things were pretty expensive there. But I was happy to finally meet Paulina's husband, Alan, and eldest son, Alex (who sailed with Frank). The next day, Thursday, I had off and spent the morning catching up on internet/email at the yacht club with others and the afternoon, I met up with Nadja, Mer and Robert. We took the ferry to the dockyard for some sightseeing and then a bus back to stop at some of the beaches on the south shore which are beautiful, soft, fine white sand technicolor aquamarine blue water. Altho the water was already noticeably chillier and the air was cooler being further north. I felt bummed to be leaving the hot weather and slightly concerned with our northward progression to colder temps, especially once we cross the gulf stream. We (Rob, Nadja, and I) had nice conversations on our walk back and stopped for photos along the way. Then we caught a cab and bus to get back to St. George (at 9pm) - we tried to hitch hike here, but they don't pick up hitchhikers - all proper English.
I then headed back to the ship, caught the end of The Wedding Crashers and fell asleep by 10pm. Then, some time after that i was awoken with a light in my eyes, in my stupor I'm told I said "Why are your shining that light in my eyes?" I opened my eyes and in the dark I saw it was Frank! What?! I had just skypped with him in nyc that morning. He was still in his work clothes. When I had mentioned in our skype session that we were leaving Bermuda Sunday, he decided to buy tickets to fly down that afternoon! I was equally surprised, happy, and excited to see him. We went up on the deck to catch up quick on how he got down here (his terribly turbulent, delayed flight) and then eventually crawled into my very tiny bat cave bunk to sleep - i'm amazed, i barely fit in there let alone squeezing a 6'2" guy in there too. - i'm picturing that one golden painting, i forget by whom, of that couple lying side by side all entwined.
The next day I was on watch and helped sand and paint the old rescue boat for a wooden boat show in Mystic while he sailed with the Paulina crew.
Saturday was my day off and I spent the morning having bfast with the gang, doing laundry and skype calling my parents and brother's fam. We met up with others in the afternoon to head back to southshore beaches: wendy, adam, dave and Cody and frank and me and had a really nice afternoon at the beach. After beach time, half of us headed to Paulina's for a 2nd evening of hanging out/bbq - I guess I was in my last night mood because I wasn't feeling particularily social, can't focus in a large group, could only participate in quieter, smaller groups and basically installed myself into the extremely comfy couch for the evening and did not budge. We left Bermuda Sunday late morning. Now, we are a day out on our last passage: 6 days, 720 miles to Lunenberg. Yesterday, I worked lots on my sea bag - wind has picked up and today it's a force 4-5 with a fresh breeze! Ah! To have WIND again and to SAILING! I'm looking forward to Lunenberg but also feel the self pressure to make the most out of this last week. Already I dispapointed myself twice in not reacting fast enough to run up to the royals to loose and stow sail. I'm starting to appreciate the cooler weather more. But still concerned at how much temps will drop when we corss the gulf stream. Even when coming down from aloft the air smells different, kinda reminds me of being on NY water. The sun made it out today in time for a quick stretch/abs session ont the hatch before and after the immersion suits workshop. Oh! Last night I heard more rumors about some of the "couplings" onboard the ship. Such drama!


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