Blogs from Vanuatu, Oceania - page 9


Oceania » Vanuatu March 20th 2010

is it friday yet? i have a few extra moments at work here, and decided i better get a blog posted before someone realized i forgot to do just that on sunday. i had a great talk with sher and justin last night, which i hope will fuel me through the rest of this week. is everyone else as crazy busy i am? anyways, i hope this little intro finds you doing well. these next two blogs sher uploaded herself while on a neighboring island with internet access. they're pretty intense, so be ready. have a good one. love - b Late February 2010 A week before the official first day of school, there were still no teachers and no movement towards taming the bush that dominated the school yard and staff houses. The headmaster of ... read more

Oceania » Vanuatu March 20th 2010

i have to apologize. it seems sher's tone unsettled a few avid readers. be at ease - there is resolution. and sher's voice is reassuring on the phone. i can't really say 'enjoy' this ending to the story, but i hope it leaves your mind a little less anxious. have a good week - b Early March 2010 Island Justice Part II On Tuesday, the day after the vicious village meeting, the older man, who was beaten to a pulp and unable to walk or talk, was still in the health center. Visitors came to question him, trying to pump as much information from him in regards to the crime as possible. Somehow it surfaced that he was paid 5,000 vatu (about $50) to work the custom, as were the other two young men. Now a ... read more

Oceania » Vanuatu February 27th 2010

hey all- my mother is nudging me to get another blog published for this week, which is probably a good thing since i almost forgot. midterms this week have had me busy studying indeed. nothing like 5 tests to prepare for. might be a couple weeks before i get another published since we'll be on the slopes (!!!) i can't wait! can you tell? enjoy - b 14 January 2010 It’s been hot. I’m not talking about the kind of hot that you make small talk about with the neighbors. I’m talking about miserable, inescapable, sweat in your sleep, life stifling heat. There is no need to small talk about this heat, it’s the only thing on peoples’ minds. You just look at the sweat on their brow and upper lip, triggered from just the very ... read more
Our happy bubble
Cool Reading

Oceania » Vanuatu February 27th 2010

houston, we have blogs. =) i'm home for the weekend and enjoying it. i received a jump drive of entries from sher earlier this week, and figured i better get uploaded. if you know our house, i'm lounging on one of our awesome front room couches right now and loving it. its things like this i miss about home. that and snacks. ok, ok, here's sher's bloggy blog. - b 30 December 2009 While Kansas was blanketed in snow for Christmas, we had our precipitation in the form of rain on Maewo. It’s hot and rainy season on Maewo. Which isn’t saying much, I feel like it is hot and rainy all the time. So, by my standards, it’s hot-er and rainy-er season on Maewo. The lady in the Melbourne airport said while checking our passports ... read more
The Party Scene
We like to Party
Mamas with the Food

Oceania » Vanuatu » Efate » Port Vila February 6th 2010

While most people are familiar with Tahiti, not so many have been to some of the more remote South Pacific islands. Although on the surface most of these islands look the same—palm trees, sand and verdant mountains--they are in fact very different both culturally and economically. So as we hopscotch across the Pacific we get to experience Polynesian, Melanesian, French, English and Indian lifestyles and influences. Our first port was supposed to be Samoa. However, en route we encountered the tail end of a cyclone and had to cancel that call. We had been looking forward to visiting the fabled Aggie Grey’s hotel and also to check out the effects of the recent tsunami. The tsunami struck without warning in September and caused tremendous damage and loss of life. I’m sure an infusion of tourist dollars ... read more

Oceania » Vanuatu » Efate » Port Vila February 2nd 2010

Vanuatu is an archipelago of 83 islands lying between New Caledonia and Fiji in the South Pacific. Port Vila is the capital and largest city of Vanuatu. Situated on the south coast of the island of Efate, in Shefa Province, where the city population is around 38,000. Port Vila is the economic and commercial center of Vanuatu. Vanuatu was a another location for Survivor. The area occupied by Port Vila has been inhabited by Melanesian people for thousands of years. After 1887, the territory was jointly administered by the French and the British. This was formalized in 1906 as an Anglo-French condominium. During World War II, Port Vila was an American and Australian airbase. In 1987, a cyclone severely damaged the city. Another powerful earthquake in January 2002 caused extensive damage in the capital and surrounding ... read more
Got a Match?
Welcome Sign
Our Greeter

Oceania » Vanuatu January 31st 2010

did you think i'd fallen into a deep dark hole? no? well fine then. what ACTUALLY happened is i indeed lost sher's jumpdrive. shh. don't tell. i just so happened to find the sneaky little devil hiding in a very obvious place: the envelope she sent it to me in. i brought my mail from college home over christmas break and i guess i stuck it in there. smart idea at the time i suppose. i hope everyone is doing well. it's been forever since i've posted a sheridan blog. this is the last on the jumpdrive, then i'm planning to fill it chalk full of new music and pop culture for s & j. enjoy... - b 17 October 2009 Though this news will reach you all well after the fact, I must make note ... read more
Air strip
Mail Woman

Oceania » Vanuatu » Tanna December 17th 2009

Jaha, då ska vi se om jag möjligen kan författa något som är kortare än Gamla Testamentet. I begynnelsen skapade Gud himmel och jor.... Nähä, nu blev det inte riktigt rätt här. Jag börjar om. Vi har alla våra hang-ups: för en del är det Malt-whiskey, för andra handväskor. För mig är det Dugonger. - Dugungvadå?? En Dugong är ett stort vattenlevande däggdjur som lever i samtliga tropiska mellan östafrika och Oceaninen. Den ser ut ungefär som en snäll farbor som någon stoppat i en ovanligt stor strumpa. Eller möjligen en säl på steroider. 3 meter långa och 300 kilo tungar tillbringar dessa harmlösa djur sina dagar med att i med att i maklig takt beta sjögräs och sova. De kallas även sjökor och sägs vara upphovet till legenderna om sjöjungfrur (hur i hela världen det ... read more
Jag och skalman
Green turtle

Oceania » Vanuatu » Santo December 1st 2009

Tänk dig en ö där du där du kan besöka avlägsna byar där inte mycket ändrats de senaste 2000 år sen, ha en en av världens vackraste stränder helt för dig själv, vada genom en nyupptäckt grotta och därefter simma tillbaka genom djungel och djupa raviner, snorkla i ett Blue Hole samt slutligen dyka på ett makalöst 200 meter långt vrak från andra världskriget. Addera att haven utanför bågnar av fisk och att det finns över 700 arter av orkidéer i bergen. Finns det verkligen en sån ö? Ja det gör det! Den heter Esperito Santo och jag är kär! Men låt mig ta det från början. Det här var dagen jag äntligen skulle få besök. Jag rullade ut den röda mattan, pollerade mässingorkestern och knuffade fram den lokala frikyrkokören: mannen, myten & snuskuriren Andreas Terner ... read more
Vat Parabo

Oceania » Vanuatu November 25th 2009

4 November 2009 A collection of news flashes to get you all up to date on life and times on Maewo as we head out for Australia. Our headline news: The school’s computers are here! Justin has promptly set them up and, well, set them up. There is still the minor detail to resolve of how to power the machines. Justin has entertained ideas of re-routing some solar panels at the school (which were intended to power the classrooms but aren’t being used) to power the computers. He also thought of charging a fee to use the computers to pay for fuel needed to run a generator and power them. However, since up until now the computers weren’t materially here, the staff and school board have been lax about making any decisions about what should be ... read more
Gobble Gobble
An Instant Feast
Mama's Workshop

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