Blogs from Vanuatu, Oceania - page 5


Oceania » Vanuatu » Efate January 27th 2011

Hey, Here're some pictures from my Vanuatu trip! It was really awesome, but quite adventurous. The full pacific experience inclusive earthquake and a tropical cyclone. Unfortunately, the sea was quite rough after the cyclone, which affected the visibility underwater for some days. I also got stuck on Efate (Main Island) as all flights where canceled, because of the weather. Nevertheless, it was really amazing. Very nice and very friendly people!! Made many new friends... The second part has the better UW pictures, which were taken several days after the cyclone, when the sea got quiet. Yu play play gut! Lukim yu! Stefan ... read more
Vanuatu 53
Vanuatu 22
Vanuatu 2

Oceania » Vanuatu January 7th 2011

Nous sommes partis quelques jours au Vanuatu avec Jérôme quand les filles étaient en France. C'était sympa. La végétation est la même qu'en Nouvelle-Calédonie, à part que là-bas il pleut beaucoup plus donc forcément c'est plus vert. Nous avons fait la connaissance des Ni-Vanuatu qui sont vraiment très accueillants. Nous avons aussi fait le plein d'aventures puisque nous avons essuyé deux tremblements de terre et un cyclone. Après quelques jours sur Efate, où se situe la capitale du Vanuatu, Port Vila, nous nous sommes rendus sur l'île de Tanna où se trouve un volcan en activité, le Yasur. Nous sommes restés bloqués sur Tanna 6 jours au lieu des deux prévus initialement pour cause de cyclone, les avions ne pouvant plus circuler. Puis nous sommes retournés à Port Vila...... read more
Rivière se jetant dans la mer

Oceania » Vanuatu » Santo December 24th 2010

The beginning of December turned into a time of contemplative re-evaluation for our Sele Clinic Project, and also a time of frenzied rush to get goods to where they needed to be. On the 15th, I had to leave Espiritu Santo to take care of business in Port Vila for the end of our year in Vanuatu. The clinic was not completed, nor did it look like it could be until Project MARC returns to finish the job. I left the villages holding the bag. The chiefs who’d worked so hard were left hanging. They understood the situation and had lived through the problems. They agreed to the change in the plan but it didn’t really matter. The reality was that the clinic was not finished and that was a real kick in the gut. It ... read more
Slab Complete
Fueling in the rain is rough

Oceania » Vanuatu » Santo December 1st 2010

So moving water to the site turned into a bit of a tough time. But while I was worrying about the water in the stream and the lack of water in the tank, what I should have been REALLY concerned with was water that would eventually come from the sky. It’s finally arrived, and in the words of my brother Devin, “Woot!” Now you need to understand that while working here, I’ve always got a few things going at the same time. Kinda like juggling. Although I may spend days getting soaked on the mountaintop, there’s always a few other things going on elsewhere that have the potential to stall out in my absence. One of these was wood milling, another was the cement mixer, another was the roofing/fasteners/paint supply, another was the truck to carry ... read more
Contractual Agreements

Oceania » Vanuatu » Santo November 25th 2010

Third week of November. This was to be the week of water. And what a week it’s turned into. As some of you may know, there is no running water at the project site and the nearest water source is several hundred meters from where we’re working (there’s also some serious hills and cliffs incorporated into that distance). We have already moved a 6000-liter water tank to the site so if we can just fill that up, we should be good for the completion of the foundation. If we need more water after the foundation’s complete, we’ll have to fetch more for the mortar. Now the tools that we have available to move the water include: our trusty steed (the Land Cruiser), three 200-litre plastic drums, a diesel powered water pump, a spool of 1inch hose ... read more
Heading down the cliff.
The Bung

Oceania » Vanuatu » Santo November 7th 2010

After weeks of wheeling and dealing I was hoping to begin the movement of supplies in the first week of November. One of the many arrangements had been for a Toyota Land Cruiser to be put at the project’s disposal for the construction of the clinic. When said like that, it seems a simple thing. But remember now, this is Vanuatu. The Land Cruiser belongs to the North District Pharmacy and was donated by AusAid for pharmacy use. Rural Clinic Construction falls under the auspices of Samna Province Rural Health. It took some doing, but in the end the hospital agreed to trade their Land Cruiser for the Rural Health truck for the duration of 5 weeks. When first approached, the pharmacy didn’t want to go for the trade. When they found out that Project MARC ... read more
The Tank
Bush Whacking
Renovated Storage House

Oceania » Vanuatu » Santo October 25th 2010

As some of you all know. I’m not back in the states as was originally planned. I’m still in Vanuatu, still building clinics. Had I held onto my original tickets, I would have landed back in the states late October and spent the holidays with family. I’ve changed my tickets thanks to some very generous benefactors here in Vanuatu. These benefactors have promised to finance the construction of a second clinic this year in Espiritu Santo. The location has already been selected by the Ministry of Health and Project MARC had already planned on building a clinic at this location. Realistically, I didn’t think that we’d get the funding for it within the next two years. The villages surrounding our next clinic site are truly lucky to have such generous business owners on their island. Now ... read more
The Road
The local.
Staking it out.

Oceania » Vanuatu October 22nd 2010

A few news blurbs and then a final note on saying goodbye to Vanuatu. Kindy Workshop As mentioned in an earlier blog, I had the opportunity to present two workshops to a province wide (3 islands including Maewo, Pentecost, and Ambae) kindy teachers' workshop. The kindy teachers touch my heart every time as they are paid, usually very scantily, by their villages and have little to no formal training. The teachers from other islands used their own money to find transport to come to the conference. Two fellow volunteers, Jessica and Rachel who live on Ambae, joined us on Maewo to also present at the conference. There were over 80 participants, so they were split into 6 smaller groups. We each gave 2 workshops 6 times each, once for every group. It was the most exhausting ... read more
Kindy Conference Kava
Good ol American Burgers
Aldayer in Vila

Oceania » Vanuatu » Santo October 20th 2010

As many of you know, I planned on doing several things with Project MARC while in Vanuatu this year. When I left the states this past July the number one item on that list was the construction of a Clinic/Dispensary on the West Coast of Espiritu Santo. In all honesty, I’d been trying to get this clinic built for the better part of the past 3 years. My hopes were high and it appeared that we finally had the funding needed to get the job done. Some refer to the work I do in the states as: ‘Non-profit Fundraising.’ But others often refer to it as: ‘Hopeless begging from financially strapped individuals.’ Although I’ve had more people tell me, ‘NO’ than I can count (through incredibly imaginative means)…there were enough bright and shining stars that actually ... read more
Changing the plan
While you were out...
JMC Bound

Oceania » Vanuatu » Santo » Luganville October 17th 2010

We made it to Vanuatu after a great day at Dravuni. Our first stop is the island of Espirito Santo and the city of Luganville. Not much of a city really. Most of the construction was done by the US during WWII. The dock still had some of the original quonset huts. The town had about 11,000 people. We had set up a shore excursion from the boat to go in a Dugout Conoe up the RIRI river to a Blue Hole. It was a nice ride there. Our guides were sawing out boards for seats when we got there. It started pouring rain and the first Dugout, 5 of the biggest guys got in an almost capsized the boat. It was pretty funny stuff. We paddled up the river (ended up not being the RIRI) ... read more
Swimming in Blue Hole
Loading ramp for Dugouts
Luganville and dock

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