Backpacking Trip, Abel Tasman Entry 2

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November 10th 2012
Published: November 13th 2012
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10 Nov 2012

Back packing Day 2

Other then waking up a few times and tossing and turn I slept pretty well in the tent. We were awake about 8 and took our time getting ready for the day. We were able to take our time due to the fact that part of our trail today was over on tide land and low tide was at about 12:30. While packing up today we contemplated some more about whether or not we wanted to shorten our trip. This time due to the fact that we are both pretty sore and our packs are darn heavy. The tidal crossing was pretty cool even being an hour before the low tide we still needed to cross two small rivers. The tide land was a large open space with lots of small clam shells thrown about. We kind of took our time making the crossing while talking with a German couple. Once we made it across we had lunch and decided it was best that we cut the trip a bit short. Even though we would lose a bit of money we thought that we would feel better if it was shortened. So now our trip is a 5 days and 4 nights. This still is a bit tough for us since our packs are not losing weight as much as we would like.

After eating lunch we continued on toward our next destination (Bark Bay). I feel that today's trail was a little steeper but still not too bad, once again only hard because our packs are so heavy. The trail was pretty similar as before except for a few things such as a pretty cool suspension bridge that we crossed. After about 3 hours hiking we made it to Bark Bay. Bark Bay is another beautiful beach. The camp ground is located on a somewhat sandy but firm piece of land right between the beach and a tide land. This was the second time that we got to the camp ground just before other people showed up to camp. There are about 6 or 7 other tents. A young (age19) German couple camped next to us and we shared are picnic table with them. We ended up giving them some of our food because they were hungry and we were happy to lighten our packs. We also played cards and swapped stories with them. We all had a great time! Tomorrow we head back to a campsite near to where we were camped last night.


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