Blogs from West Coast, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 35


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Franz Josef November 10th 2005

Stoppped off at Buller Gorge on our journey down the West coast to walk the longest swing bridge in New Zealand - and at 110metres, it really is pretty impressive - take a look at the photos! It got quite a swing going when we jumped our way across, trying best to send each other falling into the river below! Hokitika is home to the National Kiwi Center, and how could we resist!? It was pretty shabby though, but at least we got to see five of the famous endangered Kiwi birds that were pecking around in the dark enclosure. Unfortunately the piccies havn't come out that well because we weren't allowed to use flash, but at least we've seen them - couldn't really have come all this way and not. 16:00: All of a sudden ... read more
Buller Gorge Swing Bridge 2
Critters at the Nat. Kiwi Center
Critters at the Nat. Kiwi Center 2

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast November 5th 2005

NOTE: I have been a bad blogger! I have let my blog get out of date, but the next few blogs should bring everyone up to date and bring an end to my journey through New Zealand and back to America. I last left you in Hamner Springs on my way to Westport. Westport was not originally one of my planned destinations, but, short of backtracking to Christchurch, which I didn't want to do, Westport was the only city remotely close to where I wanted to go that I could get to from Hamner Springs - Small changes in plans (or I suppose the complete lacking of firm plans in the first place) is one of the things that makes traveling so much fun for me. Catching the bus to Westport proved to be an adventure ... read more
On the Side of the Road
The War Memorial
Into the Underworld

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast October 23rd 2005

16.10.2005 oddych v Mount Cook Village a cesta na West Coast Najlepsie sa vraj klin vybija klinom a tak poniektori z nas rozchodili unavene svalstvo lezenim na skale. Konkretnejsie Miro, Duncan a Darren potiahli v trojke 4-dlzkovu cestu Red Arret v Mount Cook Village. Ja som zatial vybavovala zanedbanu korespondenciu a ostatne svetske zalezitosti. Hned ako sme zistili, ze k NZ sa blizi dllllllha tlakova vys a predpoved pocasia bola na cely dalsi tyzden neocakavane pozitivna - stale krasne pocasie a bezvetrie - zmenili sme nase plany navratu do Christchurchu a vydali sa na cestu na West Coast, ktory je znamy castym dazdom, nakolko je to prva naraznikova zona pre oblaky z Tasmanovho mora. 17.10.2005 Fox Glacier Prva vacsia zastavka na zapadnom pobrezi bola turisticky rusna osada Fox pozostavajuca asi z 30 domcekov, pricom polovica z ... read more
Helicopter landing on Centenial hut
Ellie du Beaumont
Centenial hut

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast September 4th 2005

Travelled to Picton (what a dump) to catch the ferry to journey to the North Island. Ferry crossing was very good and was a nice experience all in all. Picton was a nasty place though, too full of mouthy chavs!!... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Franz Josef September 4th 2005

Climbed the glacier today, am soaked to the skin even in dry clothes as it appears to suddenly be monsoon season! The glacier was awesome, never seen anything like it, also v scary to climb, lots of big crevaces and drops and the odd bridge to cross...... Conviniently the glacier no longer has a nice smooth incline to the top at the start but a vertical face, which we had to climb! Takes a long time as the guides have to cut a path way into the rock with an ice pick, once at the top there are millions of pools filling the crevaces and it can get quite slippery. Definitely scarier than a sky dive! Oh and since everything got wet, my personal attack alarm has malfunctioned and makes a continuous clicking noise, though if ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Franz Josef September 3rd 2005

After last nights' party was a bit dull getting up to typical British weather aka. RAIN, RAIN AND MORE RAIN! Stopped at the Bushman Centre on the way to Franz, is a small place which gives information on different ways the people on the West Coast make a living and how it came about. So saw a video all about deer hunting, and how they were orignally introduced to enhance the wildlife but became out of control and people were employed to destroy the deer and save the trees(!) But as always things went the other way and they became endangered. The eventual conclusion is that now there are large numbers of deer farms to control numbers and give people businesses. Also saw (live) possums and fed one, it was so soft! Then met a nice ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Punakiaki September 3rd 2005

Great journey today - travelling west. Stopped en-route at Punakiaki to visit the Pancake Rocks and Blow Holes - not the right weather/tidal conditions to see the Blow Holes in action, but the rocks are very impressive nevertheless! Stopped the night in Westport and enjoyed watching the Kiwis thrash the Wallabies to win the Tri Nation! Were included in the activities by the locals who encouraged Craig and I to warble away drunkenly to 500miles on the Karoke!!! Got a round of applause from the not too tone death Kiwis!! Met two smashing ladies Alice and Wilma who we imagined were very wild in their youth!! ... read more
Pancake Rocks 2
Pancake Rocks 3
Pancake Rocks 4

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast » Greymouth September 2nd 2005

Today hasn't been bad. Stopped off to see one fo the largest fur seal colonies of NZ, then carried on to a stop at the Pancake rocks. So called because they are limestone which has bizarrely eroded to so really cloase together layers. Arrived at the 'Poo Pub' for tonights stay and took a walk down to the Lake, was a bit dull, grey, and wet though :( Took another walk to the lake after a decent cooked meal from Les, (the 80 yr old owner). Was all in the dark to see glow worms. Since then we've been in the pub having a themed night. Our theme: Black Bags ie I'm sitting in a very uncomfortable black bin bag outfit!! Tomorrow Franz Josef!... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast September 1st 2005

Ended up stopping the night in Haast which was really in the back of beyond! Found out that the locals were actually Whitebait fisherman which was really odd sharing a camp site with these guys! Not a lot to do in Haast really, especially as it insisted in peeing it down for most of the day and night :o) One of the fishermen reassured us that this weather was "only scotch mist" and we should be worried when the rain falls an inch a minute!... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast September 1st 2005

Left Nelson and on the way to West Port we stopped for a short walk beside the edge of Lake Rotoriti (I think!) Moving swiftly on we stopped near to the Buller River and this afternoon have been on a jet boat that can reach speeds of 65mph and pass 400litres of water out a second! Was really nice, as views were good and there was a slight adrenaline rush created by the occassional twist and turn of the boat. Tomorrow we move on to Mahinapuia (sp?) and the 'Poo Pub'... read more

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