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May 11th 2007
Published: May 11th 2007
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Caution: Do not read if you have a condition of worrying. I repeat, not suitable for those who have the worries.

So it took me one and a half days to go from Nelson to Queenstown. That's five rides. Four rides in one hour took me from Nelson to Westfield... or was it Wakefield... I don't know but then I was picked up by a nice lady by the name of Marion who was heading straight for Lake Tekapo that day to meet her partner and his brother. Today they were traveling through Queenstown so I wound up being quite lucky. They gave me a bed last night and fed me a rather nice meal last night.

So... If you hadn't already guessed... I hitch-hiked yesterday... for the first time in my life I might add! I can't believe it myself really. Why would I do anything but hitch?! It's amazing! I've gotten rides from other travelers before but that's a bit different considering that, well we stay in the same hostels and so I know them for at least a night before getting in the vehicle with them.

I have to say the ride today was absolutely gorgeous! We went through a pass which name I cannot remember at the moment but I was in awe of the beauty of it all. I've seen fresh snow today! And last night I got to see the constellation Scorpio and I looked at the night sky through some binoculars. Throughout the trip these three people were talking about the places we were passing so I had my own personal kiwi guides which was quite interesting.

Hopefully I will be finding work soon and then I will be staying here in Queenstown for a few months. Good luck to that!


11th May 2007

Glad to hear that you have grown another limb with a thumb on the end of it. I'd only worry if you were watching TV.
11th May 2007

Hi Veronica
Hey Veronica, Sounds like you are have some great adventures. Each one adds a layer of character to you.... I hope you enjoy Queenstown and find a really great job there. When you have time... post pictures... I love seeing New Zealand.... through your eyes. I was thinking about you lately... because this is around the time that you came to visit last year and it is almost time to plant the potatoes.

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