Blogs from Milford Sound, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 30


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Milford Sound May 22nd 2006

A beautiful trip to Milford Sound After a few big nights out in Queenstown we (Ally, Tom, George and I) decided to rent out a car, apparently the drive from Te Anau to Milford Sound is one of the best in the world! was!! It took three hours to reach Te Anau, this is probably the furthest South we'll ever go. It was a beautiful day and the mountainous scenery was stunning. We stayed in a great hostel near lake Te Anau, from here we woke up the next day and headed towards Milford Sound - the drive through snowwy mountains, gorges, valleys, creeks, lakes, forest,etc.. was proper nice! Milford Sound is the most visited of all New Zealands' Southland fiords, the calm 22km long fiord is surrounded by beautiful scuffed cliffs & peaks. It ... read more
Milford Sound..
Mountain, Sheep, Grass, Sky

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Milford Sound May 21st 2006

Hey there folks, Another week gone by in QTNZ, now been away for over 6 months and in Queenstown for exactly two months today. It has flown by. Just a hint of the plans for the future, I'm after some more adventures, lovely as new zealand is and i am having an amazing time here but it's all a bit too easy over here so plans are being made for somewhere warm and a bit more challenging...will keep you all updated! As i sit here now i am having a breather from cleaning my bosses kitchen, i do believe it is worse than any of my student kitchens, i never thought i'd be saying that. It's her last day today though so this is the last chance for free internet and slacker days before the new ... read more
tasman sea from the air
mountains and moon

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Milford Sound May 5th 2006

The Kayaking yesterday was great, but the self powered nature of the day meant that much of Milford Sound remained unexplored. I decided to compensate for this by taking a cruise of the Sound to make sure that I saw it all. I was a little dissapointed to see it was a clear and sunny day. For once I had hoped for rainstorms. Apparantly during heavy rain the walls of the sound are covered in cascading waterfalls. Not to worry - sunshine is nothing to complain about! The first great sight of the day was a pod of Bottlenosed Dolphins. Having first watched them swim past, a number turned round and started swimming under the bow of our ship. First one came, then two and before long I could not tell how many Dolphins were off ... read more
Dolphin 1
Dolphin 2
Milford Sound

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Milford Sound May 4th 2006

The day started off overcast and very little had changed by the time I arrived down at the deep water jetty ready for a days Sea Kayaking. I ended up being in a boat with Eve - the guide. We paddled around the Sound (which is actually not a sound, but a Fi(j)ord) for around 18km - under the huge imposing cliffs and waterfalls, into rocky caves and around small deserted islands. The day never really improved weather wise, and overcast kept turning into raining and back again. I think this actually improved the experience though - Milford is dramatic in the sun but I think it is even more so, perhaps even a little forboding in the poorer weather. We were joined several times by a large seal which swam along beside the boat before ... read more
Another happy paddler
The Stormy Milford Sound

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Milford Sound May 3rd 2006

Never go out drinking the night before a 7:20 bus. It's just plain stupid. I slept straight through my alarm and only woke up by chance at 6:50, leaving me 10 minutes to wash, dress and pack ready for the 20 minute walk to the bus stop! To my knowledge I only forgot my swimshorts and failed to collect my key deposit - but I may have left more! Hangovers on bus journeys really weren't designed for New Zealand. With so many must-see views on the way through to Milford Sound I dared not close my eyes, hence losing out on the all important snoozing/reality avoidance. I cant decide if I actually like today. Everywhere we went was really, really stunning. Really Really Really Stunning. But packed. At Every walk or viewpoint we stopped at we ... read more
The Road To Milford
Milford Sound

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Milford Sound April 28th 2006

Hello everyone! It's another early morning and i'm back in work after a far too brief fling with being back on the road again. So the latest day off adventure......road trip to milford sound! As the geography grad i should note the main features of the area (just humour me) Milford Sound runs 15kms in from the Tasman Sea (the west coast) and is part of the fiordland national park; fiords being formed when sea water submerges the deep valleys cut by previous glacial action. Happily for us, and the tour companies, this means towering sheer rock faces cut with hundreds of waterfalls plunging dramatically into deep blue waters surrounded by lush green forests. Or, in Maori legend in the spirit of equality, the fiords were created not by glaciers but were cut by Tu Te ... read more
Jeff, Claire, Claire, Jo and Brian
Flatmate Brian enjoying the wiggy scenery
Getting wet!

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Milford Sound April 20th 2006

THURSDAY 20th APRIL 2006 It was another long drive today as we headed for Milford Sound via Te Anau. It took us about 4 hours and the scenery was pretty ordinary-lots of green fields and hills-felt abit like driving through England! We arrived about one ish and checked into the 'fiordland holiday park' not the nicest but the cheapest! We went straight out and had a nice walk around Lake Te Anau and the town centre. The Lake is really pretty and has snow-capped mountains in the distance. It gets really busy here as its only a 2 hour drive to Milford Sound which is said to be the most spectacular scenic drive in New Zealand and one of the best walking tracks in the world-me and Sean are actually seeing it by boat though as ... read more
pretty Lake Te Anau
Fairy Falls-Milford Sound
homer tunnel!

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Milford Sound November 16th 2005

Wanaka was indeed the quiet option. A small town, seemingly reliant on the ski industry (no longer in season when I visited), Wanaka is small and largely uneventful. I stayed in a small, sparsely populated hostel, where most people were long-term worker-types. The scenery was beautiful, but in New Zealand, where there are countless places which can boast impressive natural surroundings, this is not enough to guarantee a successful tourist trade. I spent a few days in town, before deciding to move on to Queenstown. Queenstown is the self-stylised extreme/adventure capital of the world. It was without a doubt a tourist town, packed with bars, which were in turn packed with people determined to get as drunk as humanly possible. Queenstown is in-your-face and presents more opportunities to thrown caution to the wind (and possibly break ... read more
Me on a glacier
Milford Sound

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Milford Sound November 25th 2003

Alarms were set for 4:30am this morning. It was a good job we didn’t go to sleep any later than we did last night, otherwise we’d have really struggled. Breakfast was at 5:30am, so we had an hour to get ready. I don’t know how all the girls managed. There were four of them in each of the rooms. They must have had to get up a whole lot earlier than us, so that they could all get ready in time. Anyway, we were all done, so went and had our ‘brekkie’. Everyone looked half asleep still, including me. Had some cereal and juice, and by 6am we were all up and ready to hit the road. We had the ‘morning song’, as usual and left for Milford Sound. Milford is only about 20 miles ‘as ... read more
Milford Sound
Milford Sound
Milford Sound

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Milford Sound July 20th 2003

This photo was taken at Milford Sound, in New Zealand’s south island. This is hands down the most beautiful place I've ever visited. We were staying in a hostel that was like something from a horror movie. It consisted of log cabins in a forest and was powered by a generator that went off at 11pm. We were only there for two days, waiting for enough snow to get some snowboarding in a town called Wanaka, a few hours north. While we were there I got chatting to an Australian guy who had a really girly name, like Hillary or Lindsay. We talked the usual small-talk bullshit for some time before he asked me where I was from. I told him Scotland and he asked where. He had been in Scotland once. I said Fort ... read more

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