隨心盪/ Random Walk

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September 1st 2007
Published: July 1st 2008
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Saturday Market in Art Centre
2007年9月1日 Christchurch

不知為什麼, 半夜二時半左右便睡醒過來, 或者是昨午睡了片刻的關係吧, 我在床上不停地輾轉反側, 可惜我仍是這麼精神奕奕。後來, 已經記不起多久後才再入夢鄉裏了。到再睡醒的時候, 時間已經是早上十一時半了。哈哈, 我睡了真的很久, 那刻只想懶洋洋地待在床上, 要不是職員入來清潔, 我真的不想捨得身軀離開熱暖的被窩。

吃了一個出前一丁公仔麵後, 我收拾儀容後便出發, 沒有為自己訂下目的地, 只想隨腳步走到那裡就是那裡。首先我到了位於市中心的地標建築- Cathedral Square, 環顧四周, 人流不多, 廣場上很寧靜, 我沒有停留太久。然後我沿著Columbo Street 一直走, 發現了一個跳蚤市場, 我被它吸引過去了。 市場裏, 攤販售賣的絕不是所謂的 ‘旺角貨’, 而是很高質素和自家製作的工藝品為主, 價錢可知很貴。奇怪的是, 檔主從不會大嚷小叫地推銷貨品, 而是客人如有購買的話, 他們才施施然跟你應酬, 而且, 他們沒有虧待自己, 坐在大班椅子, 手上一本書, 口喝著一口又一口的咖啡, 真的悠閒得很。

正當我逛了一會兒的時候, 附近傳來了一把動聽的聲線, 是一位少女彈著結他, 唱普一首首英文歌曲。我坐了石椅上, 細心傾聽她的演唱, 真的很喜歡她的歌聲, 駐足的人越來越多, 一邊品嚐從流動小販車買回來的食物, 一邊欣賞悅耳的歌聲。此刻我想, 原來他們悠閒的生活就是這樣, 一個下午, 吃些小食, 逛一逛市場。相比香港, 我們總是在假日消費又消費, 以消費來填補苦悶的心。

不久, 我又走到跳蚤市場的出口處, 駐足欣賞街頭表演。兩個男子一邊表演棟篤笑, 一邊耍雜技, 偷走了途人很多的歡笑。離開了跳蚤市場, 我走到了Botanic Garden, 一下子被群樹擁抱, 感覺特別清新。此時又勾起了二年前倫敦的Hyde Park, 跟眼前的Botanic Garden 差不多, 不同的是Hyde Park 人造化味比較濃。

及後, 我又在街上遊蕩, 將手上的街道圖放回衣袋裏, 而街道上行人不多, 很難想像這是假日的星期六, 偶然經過一間傢俱的店舖, 門口卻有免費的熱狗, 當然我也不能放過好機會, 吃飽後覺得很滿足。

逛了兩個多小時, 我返回了YHA, 稍作休息一會兒, 晚一點才到超級市場買晚餐的食材。小睡一片過後, 我到了一間集合了韓國、日本、中國和泰國食品的超級市場, 買了烏冬、午餐肉和補充維他命C 的飲料。又是一個簡單的晚餐 --- 餐肉烏冬伴芝士碎, 或者明天Andy 跟我會合時, 可能是一頓豐富的晚餐吧。

Perphas i have taken a nap in the afternoon, i woke up in mid night unintentionally. I kept turning my body around and around on my bed, trying to fall asleep, but it failed utimately because i lost all my sleepy scene. I fell asleep again after a long period of time and woke up again around 11:00 am next day. I thought i have slept so much but have no intention to wake up because i just want to get my body sticked to the bed only. Not because of housekeeper performs her daily cleaning duty, I would not leave the warm bed.

Having had the breakfast of instant noodle, I packed everything and got ready to wander around city centre without planning where to go, just proceed where my foot steps want. First of all, I visited the city's landmark - Cathedral Square and found that there are not many people over there. Quietness flourishes around every corner of Sqaure and I didn't stay for long. I kept on walking along Columbo Street and was attracted by a Flea Market where high quality of handy-made art crafts are dominant and rarely "Mongkok style' products can possibly be found. What surprised to me the owners would never promote their products by shouting at their top of voice to catch people attention. Rather, they would prefer to sit on comfortable armchair with a cup of coffee and enjoyed reading their books. Whenver the potential customers approached the booths to select the products, they then explained their products a bit. How relaxing!

While I was wandering around the market, sweet music filled my ears and realized that a girl was performing her English songs with her guitar. I was attracted by the music and chose to stay on a bench to listen her music. At that moment, it came to my mind that life could be simple in such a way you visited the market during weekends with snacks and sometimes you stayed for while to enjoy some ad hoc performance to kill the time. Compared with Hong Kong, we usually tried hard to spend our time and money in various shopping malls to freshen our boredom. Life in Hong Kong equals consumption.

Later, I found another street performance near the exit of market. Two men are performing talk show while performaning acrobatics, stealing endless audience's laughter for every minute. After finishing visiting the market, I continued to Botanic Garden where hugged by the side of lush bush, feeling very fresh and recalled my memory of Hyde Park in London two years ago when i was in London. I thought these two parks were basically similar while Hyde Park would be a bit artificial.

Again, I was wandering around the street and put back the street map into my pocket. While I kept wandering, it was very hard to imagine this was a saturday as there were not many people over there and where are they? When I passed a furniture store, I discovered there was a booth for free hot dog and surely i grabbed the opportunity to enjoy a free lunch.

Wandering around two hours, I went back to YHA hostel to take a rest and decided to supermarket later to get some food stuffs for my dinner. When i woke up from a afternoon nap, I went to a Asian supermarket where korean, japanes, chinese and thai food are available and finally I bought some noodle, spam meat and Vitamin C drinks. Tonight, I prepared a very simple dish of noodle with cheese and hope tomorrow there will be a nice dinner with Andy when we met up.


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