Coromandel Town to Rotorua

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January 11th 2011
Published: January 11th 2011
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Got picked up from Coromandel Town and headed back to Thames to change buses again! Very pleased to be moving on from here, hardly anything to do which would have been fine at the end of my trip but not the beginning!!

Anyway, joined my next bus and sat next to a girl from Yorkshire who is travelling with 5 other girls and pretty much doing the same trip as me! Great fun to be with and really lovely girls so very pleased I have met them!!

We took the bus towards Rotorua whilst stopping at the Hobbiton where Lord of the Rings was filmed! Unfortunately, the tour is $100 and with most of the site under construction for the new film I decided not to bother doing the tour but had a nice lunch in the Shire's Rest instead!! Shame it was so expensive though! Met a girl back in the hostel and she said that it wasnt worth the money so kinda pleased!!

Headed on to Rotorua when 10mins out of town there is a massive bang and our bus driver swerves into a lay-by! 3 of the bolts from the steering on the right wheel had basically snapped off and therefore we had no bus!! 3 hours later, the mechanic had managed to fix it and we headed on to our hostel!

As a sorry from the Magic company, they agreed for pizza and a beer to be laid on for us in the Lava Bar across the road so we headed down for our freebie!! ( definitely never mention free stuff to a traveller!!!) Whilst we were there, we got involved in the local pub quizz and named ourselves "Keep calm and carry on!!" and came 2nd!!! (we only lost by a point!!) We won a $50 bar tab, two lip gloss, a beach ball and two Frisbee!! (random!!) By this point we had drunk a fair amount of beer so decided the only sensible option was to do a shot each with our free money!! And then danced the night away with the beach ball!! arrived home at 2.30am!!

Woke up after 4hrs sleep, feeling ok! Luckily though our tour to the caves was changed to tomorrow so we walked around town then headed back to the hostel to sit by our hot pool! Yup the hostel has a hot geothermal pool here in the grounds!! Lush!! its a nice 39C so spent the afternoon chilling by the pool and chatting!

Heading off to Taupo tomorrow for two nights, (most people our doing a skydive but dont think Im brave enough yet!!) before heading down to the National Park!! xx


11th January 2011

Keeping tabs
Hi Em, Dad and I are following your blog with interest. Keep up the entires - we love reading them and finding out how you're doing. Shame about the bus, but good result in the form of free beer and pizza... Not much happening here. Dad is building yet another lean-to. The cottage will be like Shed City by the time you get back! Take care, Love Dad and Bren xx
12th January 2011

Sky Dive
I am so so so so proud of you and I didn't mind in the least being woken early in the morning to hear about it. You and Claire will be able to swap stories at the hen party!! Glad things are improving. All at Surgery really interested in your well being! Oodles Mum
23rd January 2011

Hello,Glad your having fun never thought you would do a skydive you didnt even go on nemesis at Alton Towers.You never sent me the email for your blog i got my mom too send it hope you dont mind.Where you off too next those warm pools sound nice and congrats on the pub quiz,not just a pretty face obviously.News on West Ham Avram Grant is still manager and the board are now backing him only one new player so far in transfer window Wayne Bridge on loan from Man City allegedly on £90,000 grand a week so no idea how we afford that.Drew away at Everton saturday(22nd) i went played really well were 2-1 up with 2 minutes to go but they equalised so we remain bottom but not cut adrift yet.Will keep you up to date with results if you like.Enjoy yourself whatever your up too next.Take care ,look after yourself.Pat.xxxx

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