Crusty Demons Video

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March 1st 2009
Published: March 2nd 2009
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1: trick train 10 secs
Hello! So here's the video's from the Crusty Demons! Wahoo! Enjoy!
Also, had a good week. Work was buy at the cafe because of Americana - they have all these people who own old (or new - but mostly old) American cars and they drive from town to town. Apparently they had 800 cars this year!!! We dressed up at work on Thursday when they went through Oakura. Dad you would have LOVED it!!! On Friday night on the main street in New Plymouth they have a parade and they drive around from 7:30 pm - 11:30 pm! I got some pics for you - enjoy!!! Other than that, it was Mark's dad's bday last Wednesday and we had his BBQ Dinner Sunday night. I made a pumpkin cheesecake and thankfully everyone liked it! We also celebrated Willie's 1st bday (which is on the 10th) cause Grandma and Grandpa will be away for his actual bday! It was real cute!
Oh and I cooked lamb chops for my first time on Saturday night! I have been trying to cook Mark a nice MEATY meal on the weekends! The lamb turned out really well and I did mashed potatoes and ate ummm way too many! After this week I start working full time hours at the cafe so that will be nice too to have more money coming in!
Oh and Sunday Mark had a race!!! He did so well! He got 3rd on his first and second race and then 2nd on his last one! He did so well! He was very happy with it! His friend Greg raced as well and Jess came so us girls hung out. I brought Kobi and he was too funny. He loved it! He barked at the bikes as they drove by haha! So it was a fun day!
This weekend coming up we are heading back to Auckland for one of Mark's friends bdays (30th) and its a dress up 1920's/1930's theme! So I have to find a costume! I think Mark will just wear a suit and we have to find him a cool hat to be a gangster and I'll be a flapper or something!
So I called this lady back that I had called and she was suppose to call me when she had a spot - anyway Kobi had puppy class last night! It was so cute! They had 5 other small dogs and then 5 or 6 bigger dogs and we let the small ones off to play....well Kobi is not very good at socializing! He will bark at the other dogs but as soon as they come close he runs behind me! or under my chair! There was this real cute little fluffy white maltese! She looked like a little cloud! haha! Anyway he did some sniffing and lots of running away with his tail between his legs. The lady said that is normal though for his first time. And so we will be going every monday for 5 weeks (or more) well except next MOnday - class is cancelled! So I just hope that Kobi doesn't forget by the time we get him back there!
So Mark had called that guy at Carters last week asking about the job - or really saying that he could be done with Symons on Friday. Well the guy sort of was sketchy saying he hadn't cleared it with the other office or gotten the pay rate etc and so that they would call him Friday or Monday! Well Mark's initial impression after his interview was that the guy just wanted him to check with his boss and hand in his resignation and then he could start! And it's Tuesday and he still hasn't heard from him so I think he will stay where he is.
Well thats all for now! The second video wouldn't load so I'm just going to publish this one without it! Talk soon!
xxoo miss you
love An

Additional photos below
Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


Mark's race!Mark's race!
Mark's race!

Kobi ready for the race
Mark's raceMark's race
Mark's race

Weeee Mark gettin some air
Mark's raceMark's race
Mark's race

That's Greg in front - I think that's when he came in i3rd?

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