All Blacks vs France....Go...France?!!

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October 7th 2007
Published: October 7th 2007
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We all got up early this morning to get out of the house and over to some of Ali and Steve's friends' house for a 'rugby breakfast' party! We got there just in time to see the All Blacks Haka, which is the war dance they do before the game. The french lined up in front of them in red, white and blue shirts right in their faces while they did it - all getting syked up! There were 3 families there, none Kiwi, all supporting the French!! In the half time break we had bacon (cooked on the barbie of course - YUM!) and egg sandwiches, with some kick arse strong coffee - it was SO good! When the game was over (won by the French! Everyone told me that the country will now go into moarning!), we went back to the house for a chillout.

The weather was fab so I left the family to play and went down to Mairangi Bay, along the sea, to the supermarket to get some supplies for setting off tomorrow. It's was fab!

When I got back and had some afternoon tea we headed back down to Mairangi Beach to go to the Playpark. We stopped for a while on the beach to watch a bunch of teenagers who in trying to pull out a speed boat with a small tractor, had not factored on the tide coming in so fast and got it stuck there! Although it wasn;t really that funny, it was rather entertaining! After many shambolic attempts to pull it in with a rope and putting planks of wood under tyres, an adult finally came along and pulled it out with his truck!!

After a play and an Ice cream for Abi we came back for my last dinner (bangers and mash, proper brit cuisine - yum!) and my last sleep in that lovely bed!


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