Blogs from Yasawa Islands, Fiji, Oceania - page 41


Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands September 25th 2005

After a week in California, we flew to Fiji. We arrived early in the morning, and it was already at least 30 degrees! So warm and humid! We checked into our hotel in Nadi and passed out straight away. Our first day in Nadi was spent organising our escape! Nadi is OK, but we were keen to get to the Yasawa Islands! We booked ourselves on a 4 day/3 night cruise around the Yasawa Islands, staying at BareFoot Island. It was one of the best experiences of my whole life. We met the boat in the harbour, and sailed out into a tropical paradise on a tall ship. Each day we would wake up in our bures by the beach, and go for a swim in the clear blue ocean. We would have a delicious breakfast ... read more
Kava ceremony
Relaxing in style
Our bure

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands September 5th 2005

We're up early again...6.30am...woken by the waves crashing on the beach. After breakfast we decide to go on the organised trip to the village...but time for some snorkelling first. Its best to access the reef at high tide although it is possible at all times. There are quite a lot of fish and some nice coral. The best area is either side of the crescent shaped bay. As I'm getting out I feel a sharp wrap on my seems one of the fish took a liking to my shiny watch.....wont be wearing that again. So later its off to the village. Theres no charge for the trip, but we decide to take a few dollars to spend at the village craft market. The walk to the village is up a fairly steep hill, but we ... read more

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands September 4th 2005

We make a few calls (well Sarah does) straight after "breakfast". We manage to find accom at Octopus Resort...its about half an hour away on the YF and was one of our original target resorts. There's a downside, or so we thought. The only accom available is a tent. We can have it for 3 nights. We need to get away from Kuata so we go for it. It would be a decision we would not regret. First impressions of Octopus are good. A large crescent shaped beach. We are met in the traditional Fijian way...a song and big warm smiles all round......we're already starting to like it. We are led from the boat to a brief welcome meeting headed up by Jim....welcome drinks all round. Its hard to wipe the smiles from our faces. We ... read more
Sunset at Octopus
Octopus Restaurant

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands September 3rd 2005

After dinner, we are asked if we want to go and see the Kiwi / Wallaby game. Its the tri-nation decider and is being shown on a neighbouring island. 12 of us make the trip, across open water, in the pitch black. Only the stars...and there are plenty guide the way. We set off into the black yonder, I get the impression that we are starring in the opening credits of a disaster movie! We make it of the game...and make it back. As we are walking back to our Bure one of the staff asks us "if we'd like a Bob Marley cigarette"...we of course decline...but its the final straw as far as Sarah is concerned. We'll try and escape tomorrow! ... read more

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands September 3rd 2005

We're leaving Bounty Island today. We havent been able to get into any of our other "chosen" resorts of Otto and Fanny's, Octopus or Oarsmans Bay. They're all full. Instead we head for Kuata Resort...the gateway to the Yasawa's. Its not really covered in the guide books but we have seen their own brochure. We get the transfer boat to the YF and we are soon on our way. Travelling with us is is Hobarts answer to John Cleese (see pic and you'll see what I mean..) The cost is FJ$ 65 each (about 20 quid). We arrive bang on time (as usual) at 11am. It looks like a good choice.....but as Sarah know's appearances can be deceptive. We are checked into Bure Nr 8. Its costing us FJ$ 130 a night for the Bure and ... read more
Kuata Bure
Kuata Bure
Hobarts John Cleese

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands September 2nd 2005

Stormy night. Sarah awoke at 3am when a rucksack fell on her head from a shelf above. There's a brief panic before we start laughing. Time for a midnight feast. We've never eaten a whole Terry's chocolate orange in a nicer place. Tonight should be good fun we are having a traditional lovo meal (food cooked underground).....and the dreaded Kava cermony. Kava Ceremony...island men dressed in traditional costume. Kava looks and tastes like dirty, gritty dishwater...before sending your tongue and mouth numb. We both try it...but its not that bad....we may even bring some back for you lot to try. The lovo meal was nice. Pork, chicken and veg washed down with fiji beer....yum.... read more
Unearthing the Lovo

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands September 1st 2005

We walk round the island the opposite way today...but Sarah is concerned that the tide is coming in.... "We might get cut off...." You can take the girl out of Holy Island, but you cant take Holy Island out of the girl. We complete the walk in 15 minutes. Talked Sarah into kayaking round the island...for a bit of variety. Go snorkelling later..followed by a few G&T's. Starting to slip into holiday mode now.... read more

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands August 31st 2005

Caught the YF to Bounty was the first stop. We are staying here for 3 nights. Transfer from the YF was in a glass bottom boat. They toothless Fijian skipper is a colourful character. The sea is crystal clear. We are met by a traditional Fijian welcome song....we have to reply....."Bula, Bula Bula" means hello in fijian. We are in Bure Nr 12, smack on the beach. Windows on 3 sides. It has its own bathroom and air con. We unpack and decide to go for a walk. We walk round the island, past the set of "Celebrity Love Island". Its a bit disappointing as all the fixtures and fittings have been removed, but the bath in "The Love Shack" is still there. We take a few snaps. Nice hammock infront of the Bure. The ... read more

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands August 7th 2005

Sunday today. We're attending church later on in the village which is going to be great. The singing is supposed to be amazing. Service will be in Fijian. I'm watching the sun come up right now, just out my bure window. Very pretty. Last night all 6 of us took the sunset hike to watch the... yes sunset... on the other side of the isl, also very pretty. It's been a cool experience staying at such a small resort and there's been not much turnover. It was only 6 here last night, down 2 from night before: * Alex - UK - heading to univ to study either geology or product design. looks like Harry Potter. * Rob - UK - heading to univ. in Cardiff to study French/Span.. not bad on the guitar. not bad ... read more

Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands August 6th 2005

Well, yesterday evening a case of the quick step walked into my life together with a bit of fever/chills/muscle soreness. It came on so quickly that I suspect food poisoning. I hope that it goes away as quickly. Still at Sanawai. We're staying 1 extra night (4 total) b4 heading back to the big island. Can't complain really, we stayed inour 1st Bure last night which was great. We have our own shower/toilet/sink and the breeze comes right through the windows (mosq. nets are provided). I can see the beach/ocean from my bed here. Yes., we went hand-line fishing w/ Rob/Alex from the UK. Both young guys. I didn't catch any fish, but I did catch 2 sand-crabs as part of the bait-harvesting, pre-fishing activities. The basic process is to find a hole in the sand, ... read more

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