Farewell to Australia

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Oceania » Australia
April 24th 2014
Published: April 24th 2014
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Well, the Great Barrier Reef, though not at its peak of clarity and color, was spectacular. We snorkeled in the warm water and floated a few feet above an undersea garden of tropical fishes and corals of all shapes and colors, bright, florescent, and iridescent. Because of my moustache, the mask didn't seal tightly, so I rigged up a system involving eye goggles and a nose clip fashioned from the broken-off end of a clotheshanger I begged from a clothing boutique. It worked well, though I didn't attach the nose clip until I was out of sight under the water. The sea turtles we saw gliding by under us didn't seem to find my appearance odd. For me, form follows function. (Unfortunately, no photo) Next, we flew to Ayers Rock (Uluru), the geographical center of Australia. Here we hiked, gazed at the stars of the southern hemisphere, and learned a bit about the aboriginal people who have lived here continuously for more than 10,000 years. The flies were troublesome, but we had our face netting and were quite comfortable. We did some touristy things, including riding a camel into the awakening desert at dawn. Then we flew back to Sydney where we spent a relaxed couple of days with Doug and Anne before leaving Australia yesterday and flying via Singapore to Hong Kong where we will spend a week.

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24th April 2014

Australia touring
I am enjoying your blog comments have a great trip
24th April 2014

Nose clip
Sounds like quite the contraption, Dad!
26th April 2014

Welcome to Hong Kong
Glad you got to see Uluru and the GBR. Enjoy Hong Kong - those birds of prey circling overhead are black kites. Oh, and happy birthday, David! -Bill and Maggie

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