Wonders of Oz Part I (New Balls Please!)

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Oceania » Australia
January 23rd 2012
Published: February 7th 2012
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Having topped off the US trip with a trip to see the Iron Lady at the movies and another massive lunch (honestly have to shift this ballast at some point!), it was time to pack the bags for real and head south west to Aussie land.

Not particularly impressed with LAX facilities we were glad to be mid-air and two flights, not much sleep (for Anna) and 6.500 miles later we landed in Melbourne and were looking forward to picking up our home for this trip – the camper van.

However, 3 hours after landing we were still at the airport due to the long queues and renovations taking place....but ever positive we headed on to the rental place confident our timing was just right and we could pick up and go. But no, lots of us had arrived at the same time so it took another hour or so to get sorted. Tiredness was now setting in but once we'd oriented ourselves both on the map and what day it was (we had no 19th January!) it was a short drive to our lovely camp site for three nights. John the Kiwi with Welsh roots (his Welsh name is Ivor!) showed us to our plot and looked after us whilst we were there. So with a good shower, hot food, cold VB and an early night we were all set to enjoy Melbourne..

Fully refreshed and the rigours of the flights behind us we headed into the city....we feel like we back on 'home' ground since hitting Antipodean shores so we confidently head to Federation Square where the locals are starting to watch the tennis. We had landed in the middle of Australian Open so it was an exciting time to be in Melbourne. We wandered over to Melbourne Park not planning or expecting to get tickets but with the shortest queue in the world we gave it a go and ended up getting tickets to see Andy Murray that night and for the day session at Rod Laver the next day! After a quick return to town for some beerskis and much needed shorts for me we headed back to the tennis, greatly excited!

The whole thing was really laid back and easy to get around – we don't think Wimbledon would be so relaxing! We sampled some outside court action, bought the t-shirt (of course!) and headed into the HiSense Arena to enjoy Andy cruise through to the next round with an excellent view even though we were high up. After the main course, was the delightful dessert of a legends match with Pat Cash, Goran Ivanisevic, Cedric Pioline and Bahrami. Hilarity, and a bit of good tennis, ensued and we headed home happy with our first taste of Grand Slam tennis.

The next day was boiling hot and humid so we were grateful for the shade of the roof in the Rod Laver Arena and the added bonus of the air conditioning when the posh boxes opened their windows! We were treated to seven hours of awesome tennis with Azarenka playing plus Nadal and topped off by the classic of Clijsters vs Li Na.....unbelievable and we really had to give it to the die hard tennis fans who do this all the time....spectating is an endurance sport all of its own! It's understandable why so many people move around at every change of end!! It was an unforgettable experience and one we could take with us on the road to Adelaide.

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