Another Prophecy Fulfilled

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December 14th 2004
Saved: June 2nd 2021
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It was just before dawn when once again I entered the cramped quarters of the elderly soothsayer.

"I see you have returned" came a whispered voice from behind the single candle flickering on the small table. "So was my prophecy correct?"

"Yes, all of it came true, but not only were their rats and camels, but also bats, monkeys elephants, and everywhere there were cows - in busy streets, shopping bazaars and even railways platforms," came my reply.

"It has been a while since you left, hasn't it?" again spoke the old woman.

"The 50 days seemed like much longer, o wise one. For India is a land of extremes, you see monuments that testify to an immense wealth sitting beside the worst squalor imaginable. The most desirable actors and actresses are displayed on billboards above beggars with the most horrendous physical deformities, and the aroma of the finest food, spices and incense changes a few steps further with the smell of sewerage and rotting garbage. It is a total assault on the senses that does become overwhelming at times and came be quite tiring," I explained.

"So what was the highlight of India?" questioned the wise sage.

My discourse continued, "Because India is a country of many cultures, no single element defines India - it is too disparate for that. Instead, the best part of India is contained in the minds, heart and soul of the people. You could visit India and never see one tourist destination, yet still capture the essence of the country by speaking to and interacting with the people." I paused and reflected before continuing, "So, where will my next travel take me to?"

"Again, this is too far in the future, but you may either return to India, visit the deserts of Libya, travel to the National Parks of eastern Africa, or maybe some other place that neither of us have considered" she stated.

"Either way" was my response, "if my next travels even hold half the memories of this holiday, then I shall be well pleased."

"Indeed" replied the soothsayer.

With a smile, I held my hands together in a prayer-like manner, and uttered the word "Namaste", as I turned to leave the old woman's lair, and enter the glorious brilliance of a new day.

The End (for now...)

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