a land down under (Nov - Dec 06)

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Oceania » Australia
November 22nd 2006
Published: January 8th 2007
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Our trip up the east coast of Australia started on 22nd Nov. It has been fantastic but flew by - we packed so much in that we barely had any time to keep up with the blog. Met loads of cool people and had lots of fun on the beach! Highlights were 2 nights camping with a great group of people and the dingoes on Fraser island and chilling out on the deck with Achtung, Wolfgang and the gang on the Whitsundays!!Ha ha!

Finished off a fantastic 5 weeks with a much welcomed Christmas break with my relations in Cairns! James was lovin the home comforts! Thanks again to all the family in Cairns for making us feel so at home. Thanks again Karen and Henry for all the laughs, food and beer and for ferrying us around on our "school trips!". Henry.."is the beetle biting you yet??", anyone out there suffering from an "oversupply" of alcohol?! We miss Cody! It was great to meet everyone on our night in the Trilogy, thanks again Liam and Irene!

Cape Trib was fantastic - suffered a bit with the humidity!

We've decided to use our photos rather than an essay to describe our trip up the east coast of Aus! after all pictures are worth a thousand words!make sure you click on the next button to view all the photos!

Katie x

Additional photos below
Photos: 42, Displayed: 22


King of the BBQKing of the BBQ
King of the BBQ

bbq at Belongil Beachouse with Caroline and Celine!

15th January 2007

That jeep looks very familiar!!! It sounds like you two are having an absolute blast! can't wait for you to get back.... thanks for the updates and the photos which really do tell a good story! take care of yourselves, safe travels... Val x

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