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May 4th 2010
Published: May 4th 2010
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4th May 2010


Today I was playing in the park and I went back to the bus because Mum and Dad said that it was time to go. While I was playing they got the tyre off the front of the bus and they put it on the place where the flat tyre was. After the tyre was fixed we went down to the sea.

We tried to catch fish off the jetty, except all we caught were seaweed fish. However, I did catch a blowie. While I was fishing a truck came onto the jetty and it was going to get some lobsters. We left the sea and went to a place where there were broken jails.

There wasn’t much space, there was just a small yard and some cells for the prisoners who were called convicts. We found lots of melons and we also found lots of limestone, but the best thing of all was Dad calling me to come up the mountain. I saw what Dad was getting me for, there was my first wild echidna. He was very, very spiky and when we tried to pick him up he just curled into a little ball. It tried to dig into the ground. Then we went over to another part of the mountain. There was a big, big metal statue of a man riding a motorbike and we saw that the motorbike had a real motorbike engine. When we looked down we saw that the valleys looked like a big map, a natural map. Then we wanted to go to the dunes so we hopped in our bus and went there.

When we got there we walked along the track, but there was no way we could get across the river, so we decided to go and explore the river instead. Dad went in the river and it was just up to his ankle so I went in as well. There were rocks on the other side so I could just cross on the rocks on the way back. While we were there we saw lots and lots of swans, or maybe five. The swans had very, very beautiful feathers. Then my legs got itchy. The itchiness was made from the sea water, but the water really helps make your wounds better. We had a competition to see who could find the most rubbish. And then when we went back to the bus we put it in our bin.

Now we are heading to Kalbarri.
Bye for now,


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